Window Maker Loader

Window Maker Loader(LoadMaker) is a software that you can use it to start the Window Maker without the license of development license.

You can use this software in these situations:

1、You only purchased the Runtime license, not able to use the Window Maker.
2、You Purchased the Dev license, but the[……]

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InTouch SysBeep Script Function

SysBeep is a 32-bit script function designed for Wonderware® InTouch,™ 6.0 and later. When called, the SysBeep function invokes the default beep as it is defined in the Windows NT Control Panel. SysBeep requires no input parameters and has no return value. It does not require a sound card or additio[……]

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Show elapsed time on intouch

Assume we got an integer number that means the seconds count, and we need to show it as the time period on intouch, such as the PLC communication lost period.

Here is some steps you shoud do.

In the tagname dictory ,we should define some tags:
tSecondCounts        //Define as I/O integer[……]

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WWField Script Function Library

The WWField script functions can write directly to InTouch’s tagname dictionary file. Click the appropriate link below to download the WWField script function library:

Note: When a WWField script function executes, it will not generate any type of data change event. However, once a tagname field is[……]

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