Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 Service Pack 1 are available now

Wonderware® System Platform 2014 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) are available now, which includes the following products:

  • Wonderware InTouch HMI 2014 (v11.1) R2 SP1
  • Wonderware Application Server 2014 (v4.1) R2 SP1
  • Wonderware Historian Server 2014 R2 (v11.6) SP1
  • Wonderware Historian Client 2014 R2 (v10.6) SP1
  • Wonderware Information Server 2014 R2 (v5.6)
  • Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere 2014 R2 (v11.1) SP1

Review each of the individual product Readme files for details regarding product-specific known and resolved issues. The Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Readme file is included at the end of this Readme. Insert the Wonderware System Platform installation DVD to access the following readme files:

Feature Enhancements in WSP 2014 R2 SP1
Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 – General Notes
Compatibility with New Versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems, the .NET Framework, and SQL Server

Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 component products are able to run under new versions of Windows, including Windows 10, and are compatible with new versions of the .NET Framework and SQL Server. See the Summary of Requirements table and SQL Server Requirements for additional information.

Expanded Support for Virtual Environments

All Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 Service Pack 1 products are able to run in vSphere/ESXi 6.0 and VMWare Workstation 11.x virtual environments, as well as the latest versions of Hyper-V. See the Summary of Requirements table for additional information.

Enhanced Security

A number of security enhancements have been included in this release of Wonderware System Platform and its component applications.

Wonderware Application Server 2014 R2 SP1

Improved IT Compliance

To increase IT security, Application Server no longer requires SysAdmin privileges for most SQL Server operations, including those related to creating, migrating, backing up, or restoring Galaxies. Certain operations that involve prior versions of Application Server will still require SysAdmin credentials. Examples of this include upgrading from a previous version of Application Server, or creating a Galaxy from a CAB file from another computer that uses an older Galaxy. See “Setting the SQL Server Security Mode” in the Wonderware System Platform Installation Guide for more information.

Support for Running a GR Node Hosted on SQL Server Using a Non-Default Port

The ability to use a non-default TCP/IP port to connect to a SQL Server database for GR nodes has been added to Application Server 2014 R2 SP1. To support this capability, the SQLData object has a new configuration option.

Improved Stability During Failover of Redundant AppEngines

A new AppEngine start-up algorithm prevents high CPU usage during failover of a redundant pair. CPU load balancing can be configured to ensure a smooth failover process as the standby partner starts. See the Wonderware Application Server User’s Guide for more information.

Find Checked Out Objects Search Function

The Application Server IDE has been enhanced with a new feature that allows users to easily find checked out objects. The Find dialog box now includes an option to search for checked out objects.

Wonderware InTouch HMI 2014 R2 SP1

Support Input and Display of Number Formats by Regional Locale

Numeric data can be entered and displayed in ArchestrA graphics in a format that matches the format of the country set as the regional locale on the computer running WindowViewer. During run time, numbers can be entered or displayed with a thousand separator and decimal point characters that match the number format of the selected country.

The InTouch WindowViewer keypad now includes comma, period, and a thin space keys to enter numbers that match the format of the country set as the regional locale on the computer running WindowViewer. In addition, if the WindowViewer Follow regional settings for ArchestrA Graphics configuration option is selected, the keypad displays numeric values using symbols based on the regional settings.

Export and Import Application Style Library Applied to ArchestrA Symbols in Modern Applications

Users can export a Modern application’s Application Style Library from WindowMaker to a designated folder location as an XML file. Users can also import the Application Style Library to a Modern application to reuse the Quality and Status display, the Element Styles, and numeric format styles that were defined in another Modern application.

Export ArchestrA Graphic Toolbox Symbols That Have Embedded Symbols from Automation Objects

When exporting ArchestrA symbols from the Graphic Toolbox that have embedded symbols from automation objects in them, users see a dialog box with an option to export the associated objects hosting the graphics in the same operation.

Export Localization Strings of Selected Symbols in Modern Applications

Symbols containing localized strings can be selected from WindowMaker’s ArchestrA Graphic Toolbox to export the language strings to an XML file. Users can edit the XML file to translate the symbol strings and re-import to another set of symbols using Import ArchestrA Graphics option.

Export Selected Symbols from the ArchestrA Toolbox in Modern Applications

Exporting and importing ArchestrA symbols in Modern applications have been enhanced in Service Pack 1. Rather than exporting or importing the entire set of Archestra symbols, now one or more selected symbols can be exported or imported.

The selected ArchestrA symbols are exported to an .aaPKG file to a designated folder location.

Support for the Last History Statistic of the History Summary Data Type Custom Property

A History Summary custom property can be added to a symbol that references historical data collected over a specified period during run time. The Historian can transform this data to create a set of analog or state summary statistics that can be shown by ArchestrA graphic animation during run time.

In Service Pack 1, the analog Last historical statistic has been added to the History Summary custom property. The Last historical statistic shows the last data value that occurred in a historical summary period.

Include an Overridden Tag for Programmatic Symbol Exports

A new XML attribute has been added to each symbol within the XML file containing ArchestrA symbols that have been programmatically exported. The attribute identifies whether changes have been made to the properties of the embedded symbols in a base symbol or not. This new Overridden attribute added to the exported XML file is essentially a “change flag”.

In Service Pack 1, an exported symbol that does not contain any changes to embedded symbol custom properties includes an Overridden attribute set to False, which is the default value.


The Overridden attribute makes it easier to programmatically identify symbols that have not been changed.

Installation Option to not Install a Galaxy Repository on the InTouch Development Computer

In prior releases, the Wonderware System Platform installation program automatically installed SQL Server Express when an InTouch development environment was going to be installed on a computer without SQL Server. An instance of SQL Server Express was required as a Galaxy Repository to support InTouch Modern applications.

In Service Pack 1, the installation program includes an option to not install SQL Server on the InTouch development computer. This option is provided for customers who do not intend to create Modern applications and do not need SQL Server installed on their development computer.

Wonderware Historian Server 2014 R2 SP1

Replication to Wonderware Online

In this Service Pack, Wonderware Historian Server supports replication to Wonderware Online, our Managed Historian solution. When you set up a Tier 2 server, you can configure it to point to Wonderware Online.

SQL Queries for Event Blocks

Wonderware Historian Server 2014 R2 introduced the ability to store alarms and events in history event blocks. Block-based alarm and event history is more efficient both for storage space and retrieval time. You can choose to store events either in the traditional database structure (A2ALMDB) or to history blocks. With Service Pack 1, you can use SQL queries on the new “Events” extension table with block-based alarm and event history.

Improved Retrieval for Slow-Changing Cyclically-Stored Tags

In this Service Pack, Wonderware Historian Server includes retrieval improvements for slow-changing cyclically-stored tags that make data available for retrieval sooner.

Wonderware Historian Client 2014 R2 SP1

Support for Different SQL Server Default Port Numbers

If the default port for the SQL Server is changed, Historian Client can still connect to the server by specifying the new port number.

Improvements to Query and Workbook Tools Related to Optimistic Quality Rule

Customers can use Query and Excel Workbook tools to retrieve data based on Optimistic quality rules.

System Requirements and Guidelines

Hardware Guidelines

The following table provides guidelines for hardware configurations suitable for Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 software based on the size of the installation. These guidelines are subject to the limitations of your Windows operating system.

  • The Intel Itanium 2 processor is not supported.
  • We recommend 1280 x 1024 as the minimum display resolution for engineering tools such as the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
CPU Cores
RAM1 (GB) Storage (GB)2 Network
Small Installation

(1 – 25K I/O per Node)

≥2 ≥4 ≥30 ≥100
Medium Installation

(25k – 50k I/O per Node)

≥4 ≥8 ≥500 ≥1000
Large Installation

(More than 50k I/O per Node)

≥8 ≥16 ≥1000 ≥1000
1 In redundant environments, increase CPU and RAM to maintain a maximum of 40% typical resource utilization.
2 Minimum amount of storage needed to provide sufficient capacity for 1 week @ max frequency.

Hardware Requirements Notes:

Windows operating systems and SQL Server versions may impose hardware requirements that exceed the minimum requirements for Wonderware Application Server 2014 R2 SP1. Refer to the following Microsoft Web sites for Windows and SQL Server hardware requirements:

Wonderware Historian Hardware Guidelines

  • Wonderware Historian is not supported on cluster hardware.
  • Do not use the Wonderware Historian computer as a domain controller.
  • If you are running the Wonderware Historian on a virtual server, the Historian must have adequate CPU, network, memory, and disk I/O resources at all times. Overloading the virtual server leads to unpredictable behavior.

For system sizing examples, see the Wonderware System Platform Installation Guide.

Wonderware Historian Client Hardware Guidelines

Required Minimum Recommended
Processor 1.2 GHz
Pentium III
Single CPU – 2 GHz or faster
Memory, RAM 512 MB 1 GB or more
Free hard drive space 55 MB 55 MB or more

Wonderware Information Server Hardware Requirements

Required Minimum Recommended
CPU 2.5 GHz Pentium 4 3.0 GHz Pentium 4
Memory 2 GB RAM Greater than 2 GB RAM
Free hard drive space 10 GB of free disk space 20 GB or more of free disk space, depending on the number of InTouch HMI windows, ArchestrA Symbols, ActiveFactory Reports and ArchestrA Reports published to the site.
File system NTFS NTFS

Alternative Authentication Using Smart Cards

  • Smart Card: Raak Technologies C2-40 Mini Driver Smart Card
  • Smart Card Reader: OK 3021 USB Smart Card Readers

Operating System, Firewall, .NET Framework, and Virtualization Requirements

Summary of Requirements for Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1

The following table lists the operating system, .NET Framework, and virtualization requirements for Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1.

Note: Only the software versions shown in the following tables are supported for Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 components.

Windows Client OS1 (32/64-bit) Windows Server OS (64-bit) .NET Framework MS Browser Virtualization Host
Embedded2 Professional, Enterprise
Embedded4 Standard, Enterprise5,
Data Center6
7 SP1
7 SP1
2008 R2 SP1 2012 2012 R2 2008 R2 SP1 2012 2012 R2 3.5 SP1 4.5.17 4.5.27 4.67 IE 108 IE 118 Edge Hyper-V9 vSphere 5.x-6.010 Workstation11
Wonderware Application Server 2014 R2 SP1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C Y Y Y Y Y Y
Wonderware InTouch 2014 R2 SP1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C Y Y Y Y Y Y
Wonderware Historian 2014 R2 SP1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C Y Y Y Y Y Y
Wonderware Historian Client 2014 R2 SP1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C Y Y Y Y Y Y
Wonderware Information Server 2014 R2 Portal N N Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y C Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y
Wonderware Information Server 2014 R2 Client Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y
FS Gateway 3.0 SP2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
System Size This section applies to GR Node only; remote nodes can use any supported OS
Small Installation (1-25,000 I/O per node) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C Y Y Y Y Y Y
Medium Installation (25k-50k I/O per node) N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C Y Y Y Y Y Y
Large Installation (50k-400k I/O per node) N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y C Y Y Y Y Y Y
Notes   1 Up to five remote nodes are supported by a GR running on a Client OS.
2 Windows 7.1 SP 1 Embedded must use Application Compatibility Template. Windows 8 Embedded must use full image with all modules.
3 Ultimate applies to Windows 7 SP1 only. Ultimate versions not available for newer versions of Windows.
4 All Embedded Windows Server versions must use full image with all modules.
5 Enterprise applies to Windows Server 2008 R2 only.
6 Data Center applies to Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 only.
7 Custom Client Controls that leverage functionality not contained in .Net Framework 4 are not supported.
8 Enable Compatibility View mode when accessing Wonderware Information Server with Internet Explorer.
9 Support for Hyper-V is based on operating system version.
10 Support for VMWare vSphere includes High Availability/Disaster Recovery.
11 Supported versions of VMWare Workstation include 7.x through 11.x.


Supported Y
Not Supported N
Coexist C
Not Applicable

Software Requirement Notes:

Windows Operating System Notes

  • Newer operating system Service Packs (SPs) than those listed do not block the installation of Schneider Electric Software products. A warning message may appear during the installation process.
  • The Galaxy Repository (GR Node) can run on a client Windows operating system in a configuration with up to five remote nodes. For an environment with more than five remote nodes, or with more than one GR node, the Galaxy Repository must be installed on a computer running a Windows Server operating system.
  • Development and application nodes are considered to be clients of the server GR node.
  • When the operating system is upgraded on a computer, existing Wonderware System Platform products must be uninstalled prior to the upgrade and then reinstalled after the upgrade. There are three exceptions. Wonderware System Platform products do not need to be uninstalled when upgrading from:
    • Windows 8 to 8.1
    • Windows 8.1 to 10
    • Windows 2012 to Windows 2012 R2

.Net Notes

  • Versions of .NET (other than 4.x versions) can coexist, but all .NET code, including QuickScript.net scripts, run under .NET 4.5.1 or higher. For more information about .NET Framework requirements and compatibility, see .NET Framework Requirements and Compatibility .
  • .NET 3.5 is installed only because the supported SQL Server versions require it. No other dependencies must exist.

SQL Server Notes

  • When installing SQL Server, use the program version (32 or 64-bit) that matches the operating system.
  • Upgrading SQL Server with Wonderware products installed is supported.

Firewall Notes

In order to establish communication with other components and services on the network, Wonderware System Platform and ArchestrA Service Bus (ASB) Services require certain network ports to be opened in the Windows Firewall. Typically, this is automatically done during the Wonderware System Platform installation. However, if the Windows Firewall is enabled at time of installation or if an alternative firewall is in use during installation, you will need to manually open the appropriate network ports in the firewall. For more information about port configuration, see “Configuring ArchestrA Service TCP Ports” in the Wonderware Application Server User’s Guide.

Operating System Notes: Common for Wonderware Products

ActiveX Controls Behavior on Windows 7, Windows 2008 R2, and Later Operating Systems

Due to the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) feature of Windows 7, Windows 2008 R2, and later operating systems, any ActiveX control built with ATL version 7.1 or earlier will fail to host or will have unpredictable behaviors in InTouch 11.1 SP1 either in WindowMaker or WindowViewer running on Windows 7, Windows 2008 R2, and later operating systems.

The ActiveX controls and error message, along with solutions to resolve the behavior, are described in detail in TechNote 522, “Some ActiveX Controls NOT Supported in InTouch 2012 R2 (Version 10.6)”. You can download this TechNote from the Schneider Electic Software Global Customer Support (GCS) website.

Configuring Remote Alarm Retrieval Queries When Running Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Later Operating Systems

The process to configure remote alarm retrieval queries has changed for interactive applications such as InTouch HMI when running on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and later operating systems.

When InTouch WindowViewer is started and generates alarms from an interactive Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or later desktop session, an AlarmViewer control (running within InTouch HMI) on a remote node must be specially configured to query the alarms. The source alarms will not appear unless the AlarmViewer control’s alarm query is configured.

This type of query only works for InTouch HMI as an alarm provider running in a Terminal Services session, not for InTouch HMI running in a console session.

To configure the AlarmViewer’s alarm query

  1. After starting InTouch WindowViewer (alarm provider) on the Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or later node, open the SMC Logger and look for the most recent string generated by AlarmMgr. For example: “Registering AlarmMgr with SLSSVC as AlarmMgr”. The indicated IP address will be unique to your alarm-providing node. Note the IP address for use in Step 2.
  2. In the Alarm Query tab of the AlarmViewer control on the remote computer, configure the alarm query as follows, substituting your nodename of the alarm providing InTouch HMI for “nodename” below and substituting your IP address noted in the previous step:


where nodename is the name of the node that is providing the InTouch alarm and ip_address is the IP address that you determined in step 1.

  1. Test to validate that the alarms generated from the alarm-providing node are shown accurately in the AlarmViewer control.

Using Alarm Manager on a Single Node Running Both Wonderware InTouch HMI and Application Server Alarm Providers on Windows Vista and Later Operating Systems

Starting with Microsoft Windows Vista, the operating system imposes “Session 0 Isolation” as a security enhancement. All Windows services and associated programs are required to run in Session 0, and no GUI applications are allowed to run in Session 0.

Prior to Windows Vista, Wonderware Application Server and InTouch WindowViewer ran in the same Windows session. Session 0 Isolation requires that Application Server and WindowViewer run in separate Windows sessions. Alarms that are reported by the Galaxy are handled by the Session 0 instance of Alarm Manager (AlarmMgr), which is now different from the Console Session instance of AlarmMgr that handles InTouch alarms. A simple alarm query in an InTouch alarm display such as

\InTouch!$System \Galaxy!Area_001

is now serviced by two separate instances of AlarmMgr — one running in the Console Session for InTouch, another running in Session 0 for the Galaxy.

This behavior, and related behaviors and error messages resulting from the Windows operating system Session 0 changes, along with procedures to configure the Distributed Alarm System to support alarms from both InTouch and Application Server on the same computer node running with Windows Vista and later operating systems, are described in detail in TechNote 988, “AlarmMgr Support for InTouch and AppServer on Windows Vista and Later”. You can download this TechNote from the Schneider Electic Software Global Customer Support (GCS) website.

Terminal Services Behavior in Windows Server 2008 R2 and Later Operating Systems

Windows Server 2008 R2 and later operating systems no longer support the /console switch as a means of starting the remote desktop (RDP) client, also known as Session 0 or Terminal Server Console session. In Windows Server 2008 R2 and later operating systems, Session 0 is no longer an interactive session, and is reserved only for Windows services. Windows Server 2008 R2 and later operating systems treat all remote connections as remote RDP sessions regardless of /console, /admin, or any other switches used to make the connection.

This impacts InTouch HMI functionality such as Alarm Manager that depends on the Terminal Server Console session. The impact to Wonderware Application Server is minimal as most Wonderware Application Server processes run as services. One impact to Wonderware Application Server is to carry forward the restriction introduced with the Windows Vista operating system which permits only one alarm provider. While both Wonderware Application Server and InTouch HMI can be configured as alarm providers, only one alarm provider can be configured at any one time.

Refer to the Wonderware InTouch HMI 2014 R2 SP1 Readme for further information about InTouch HMI applications running in the Terminal Server Console.

If you are running WindowViewer within a Terminal Server session and want to access alarms from WindowViewer in a client session, you must use the syntax \\terminalservernode:<IP address>\InTouch!$System to access the alarms, with a colon (:) after the node name. The IP address is that of the client computer connected to the session.

Operating System Notes: Wonderware InTouch HMI 2014 R2 SP1

Wonderware InTouch HMI 2014 R2 SP1 with Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Later Operating Systems

  • Windows 7 and later operating systems do not support a dedicated single-node server configuration that runs one or more databases for an InTouch HMI system.
  • As of Wonderware System Platform 2014, a computer running Windows 7 or later operating systems can be configured as both an InTouch and an Application Server alarm provider. For more information, see Using Alarm Manager on a Single Node Running Both Wonderware InTouch HMI and Application Server Alarm Providers on Windows Vista and Later Operating Systems.
  • Wonderware InTouch HMI 2014 R2 SP1 does not support the following legacy script functions on 64-bit systems: WWPoke(), WWExecute(), WWRequest(), ActivateApp() and SendKeys().
  • If Recipe Manager is started using the path Start\Program\Wonderware\InTouch\Recipe, then select Run as Administrator.
  • The InTouch Extensibility Toolkit might need to be started by right-clicking and selecting Run As Administrator to function properly.
  • The onscreen keyboard options have changed for the Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and later operating systems.
  • Hovering to select from the Windows keyboard does not work in the Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and later operating systems.

Wonderware InTouch HMI 2014 R2 SP1 View Applications and DDE Support

NetDDE is not supported for InTouchView applications.

By design, an InTouchView application does not serve data to any other source, including InTouch HMI itself. When WindowViewer starts, it verifies if the application is an InTouchView application. When WindowViewer detects an InTouchView application, it does not register to become a DDE server. ArchestrA Symbols make use of the client layer when accessing InTouch tags, and appear as a third-party client trying to access WindowViewer as a data server. As a result, ArchestrA Symbols cannot communicate with InTouch tags when used with an InTouchView license.

In ArchestrA Symbols, InTouch:‹tagname› is still a valid methodof referring to an InTouch tag on a local node.

Wonderware InTouch HMI 2014 R2 SP1 Support for Windows User Account Control

Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 with InTouch HMI 2014 R2 (v11.1) SP1 supports User Account Control-enabled operations on run-time nodes.

Operating System Notes: Wonderware Application Server

  • The Bootstrap, IDE, and Galaxy Repository are supported by the following language versions of Microsoft operating systems: English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, German, and French. The Galaxy Repository is also supported by the English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, German, and French versions of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP3, SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2, and SQL Server 2012 SP1.
  • Upon installation, the selected language and regional settings must match those of the intended operating locale and must use the collation of SQL Server that matches the operating system locale.

Wonderware Application Server and DDE Support

In Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and later operating systems, DDE is supported only on a local node. Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and later operating systems do not support NetDDE. ArchestrA Symbols use the client layer when accessing InTouch tags and appear as a third-party client trying to access WindowViewer as a data server. Therefore the use of NetDDE for communication is not supported and not recommended.

In ArchestrA Symbols, InTouch:<tagname> is still a valid method of referring to an InTouch tag on a local node.

Using Wonderware Application Server with Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Later Operating Systems

This section describes specific behaviors and restrictions when using the Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems with Wonderware Application Server.

  • The DDESuiteLink Client connection to the local Operations Integration (OI) Server (DAServer) using Local DDE is supported ONLY when the OI Server is configured as “Not a Service” and activated from its executable file or launched from InTouch. On Windows 7, Windows 2008 R2, and later operating systems, Local DDE is NOT supported when the OI Server is activated in the System Management Console (SMC).
  • For toolkits such as the ArchestrA Object Toolkit, GRAccess Toolkit, and MXAccess Toolkit to function properly on Windows 7 and later operating systems, you may need to start the toolkit by right-clicking on the file and then clicking Run As Administrator.

Wonderware Application Server and User Account Control Level

Wonderware Application Server 2014 R2 SP1 supports User Account Control-enabled operations. Starting the IDE still requires elevated privileges.

Operating System Notes: Wonderware Historian Server

Scenarios involving remote node communication fail if the Historian node is using the Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2012 operating system.

For example:

  1. When you log in as a local administrator on a computer and try to add a remote Wonderware Historian node (a second node with the Wonderware Historian installed) using the network account from the Management Console, the status of the remote Historian node is not reflected correctly.
  2. Test the connection from a Historian node using the operating system to a remote tier-2 historian. The following error message is shown: “Test Connection to replication server () failed: cannot connect to Tier-1 replication service (error 0x80004005: Unspecified error)”
  3. Replication to the remote tier-2 historian fails.
  4. Although a remote IDAS service starts successfully, errors and warnings stating “Failed to get IDAS configuration version…” and “Unable to start data acquisition” are logged. This problem occurs if the ArchestrA user account is a local user. If the ArchestrA user account is a domain user, then this problem does not occur.


  1. Open a command prompt and run the following command:

    cmd /c reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    This sets LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy registry entry value to 1. In doing so, an elevated token for the user is generated.

  2. Restart the system.

Operating System Notes: Wonderware Historian Client

When the Wonderware Historian Client application is running on Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and later operating systems, User Account Control can be enabled and running as non-administrator.

Operating System Notes: Wonderware Information Server

When the Wonderware Information Server is running on Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and later operating systems, User Account Control can be enabled and running as non-administrator.

.NET Framework Requirements and Compatibility

IMPORTANT: Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 installs .NET 4.5.2 if the currently installed version of .NET is 4.5 or lower. If .NET 4.5.1 or later is installed, no change is made to the .NET Framework. Prior to upgrading your existing applications to Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1, we strongly recommended that you:

  • Back up your applications
  • Familiarize yourself with the changes introduced by Microsoft in the .NET Framework
  • Review your .NET scripts and .NET controls for any required changes

After upgrading to Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1, you should perform application testing on application scripts and on script libraries used by the application to ensure they continue to function properly under .NET 4.5.2. We also recommend you test the upgrade in a staging system prior to upgrading your production system.

Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 leverages Microsoft .NET Framework 4. The Wonderware System Platform installation program will install .NET 4.5.2 if your system uses version 4.5 or lower. No change is made if your system uses .NET 4.5.1 or higher. Multiple versions of the .NET Framework can coexist. On nodes where SQL Server is installed, .NET 3.5 is also installed by Wonderware System Platform to support SQL Server. In this scenario, other applications you have on the same machine with dependencies on .NET 3.5 will access .NET 3.5. Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 will use .NET 4.5.1, 4.5.2, or later.

All user-supplied .NET code that runs in the context of InTouch HMI and Application Server requires .NET Framework 4.5.1 or higher. Although .NET Framework 4.5.1 (and later) is highly compatible with applications that are built with earlier .NET Framework versions, you may have to update your scripts, if your .NET scripts were created prior to Wonderware System Platform 2014. These changes may also affect .NET controls developed with .NET 3.5.

In ArchestrA scripting, some .Net codes could fail if not using proper text encoding, and could cause a script to exit without completion. The UTF8Encoder is the default BinaryStream decoder in .Net 4.5. To enable an ArchestrA script to decode ASCII XML data, for example, insert the following snippet:

BinaryReader streamReader = new BinaryReader(ms, new ASCIIEncoding());

To learn more about changes introduced in different versions of the .NET Framework, refer to the following Microsoft resources:

What’s New in the .NET Framework: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms171868%28v=vs.110%29.aspx
What’s obsolete in the .NET Framework Class Library: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee461502%28v=vs.110%29.aspx
Migration Guide to the .NET Framework 4.6 and 4.5: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff657133%28v=vs.110%29
.NET Framework 4 Migration Issues: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee941656%28v=vs.100%29

Virtualization Host Support

Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 has been tested with and supports the following virtualization environments:

  • Microsoft Hyper-V: based on the version of Windows
  • VMware 6.0 virtualization with High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HA/DR)
  • VMWare vSphere 6.0
  • VMware 5.0 Update 1 virtualization with High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HA/DR)
  • VMWare vSphere 5.0 Update 1

SQL Server Requirements

The following table describes the SQL Server requirements for all Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 components.

SQL Server Express-SSMSE SQL Server Standard, Enterprise
NSP = No service pack 2008 SP3
(32 bit)
2008 R2 NSP, SP1, SP2, SP3 2012 NSP, SP1, SP2 2014 NSP, SP1 2008 SP3
(32-bit only)
2008 R2NSP, SP1, SP2, SP3 2012
Application Server 2014 R2 SP1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
InTouch 2014 R2 SP1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Historian 2014 R2 SP1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Historian Client 2014 R2 SP1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
System Size
Small Installation
(1-25,000 I/O per node)
Medium Installation
(25k-50k I/O per node)
Large Installation (50k-400k I/O per node) N N N N Y Y Y Y
Note Match SQL Server version (32- or 64-bit) to operating system version.


We recommend that you install and configure the supported SQL Server version before you begin the Wonderware System Platform installation program, especially if you expect Wonderware Information Server to coexist, either on initial or subsequent installations, with the InTouch HMI, Application Server, or the Historian Server.

The Wonderware System Platform installer will install all prerequisites except the SQL Server requirement for installing the Historian Server. If you select the Historian Server for installation, and if the supported version of SQL Server is not already installed, you must exit the installation program, install the supported SQL Server version, then resume the installation.

Considerations for SQL Server

  • Alarm DB Logger To use the Alarm DB Logger with SQL Server Express, you need to change the default authentication mode from Windows-based to Mixed Mode.
  • SQL Server Configuration Rights: While installing Wonderware System Platform, if the logged-on user performing the installation is not a SQL Server administrator, the Config SQL dialog box appears and requests SQL Server administrator credentials.
  • Maximum Server Memory: After installing SQL Server, use SQL Server Management Studio to confirm that the Maximum Server Memory is configured to approximately 65% of the total available RAM. By default SQL Server does not clamp this setting. The Wonderware System Platform installation process will attempt to adjust it if it has the appropriate rights to configure SQL Server.
  • Restoring a CAB: You cannot restore a Galaxy .cab file backed up in SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2008 to a node with an earlier version of SQL Server. For example, you cannot restore a Galaxy .cab file backed up in SQL Server 2012 to a node with SQL Server 2008. Attempting such a restore results in an error message.
  • The MSSQL Server user account is not supported for the SQL Server 2012 Service. Instead, configure SQL Server to run as the local system or Network Service account. Named instances are not supported.
  • Migrating SQL Server Versions: You can migrate a SQL Server database to a later version from any of two prior versions. For example, you can migrate to SQL Server 2012 from SQL Server versions 2008 or 2005. You can migrate to SQL Server 2008 from SQL Server versions 2005 or 2000. You cannot migrate directly from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2012. Such a migration requires an intermediate step. For more information and helpful procedures, see the following Microsoft references:
  • SQL Server Rights Requirements: SQL Server 2008 and later versions do not automatically create the BUILTIN\Administrators role delivered in SQL Server 2005. Because of this change to SQL Server, the Wonderware Application Server 2014 R2 SP1 installation process will create the necessary operating system user group (aaAdministrators) as well as the necessary SQL Server role. This automated process will provide the rights required to allow operations within the Galaxy Repository without the need for blanket BUILTIN\Administrator rights. The aaAdministrators group must be present and enabled. If you accidentally delete the aaAdministrators group from the Windows operating system, you can run either of two options to restore it:
    • Run the Change Network Utility from the Windows Start menu.
    • Run the aaConfig SQL Utility from the Windows Start menu.

    If you accidentally delete the aaAdministrators group from the SQL Server security logins, you must run the aaConfig SQL Utility to restore it. Refer to the Wonderware Application Server User’s Guide, “About ArchestrA User Accounts”, for further information and procedures about restoring the aaAdministrators group.

Considerations for SQL Server Express

  • SQL Server Express is supported for use on an InTouch, Application Server, or Historian node, recommended for use only in small or development configurations. SQL Server 2014 Express with Tools SP1 is automatically installed for when you install for InTouch, Application Server, or the Historian, if, at time of installation, no other SQL Server elements are installed on the computer.
  • If you plan to use SQL Server Express with Wonderware Information Server 2014 R2 and Wonderware InTouch HMI 2014 R2 SP1 on the same node, the following limitations apply:
    • Installing Wonderware Information Server first, using the MS SQL Express default instance name set to “SQLEXPRESS”, and then installing Wonderware InTouch HMI will work without issue. Note that in this scenario, each component uses a dedicated instance of SQL Server 2014 Express with Tools SP1 .
    • Installing Wonderware InTouch HMI first, which silently installs and configures SQL Server 2014 Express with Tools SP1, and then installing Wonderware Information Server will not allow Wonderware Information Server to work. In this case, during the Wonderware Information Server configuration, an error message will appear in the Configuration Utility stating: “SQL Server client components not found.” To work around this issue, configure Wonderware Information Server to use an instance of SQL Server Express (or a non-Express edition) on a remote node.
    • The computing capacity of SQL Server Express 2014 with Tools SP1 is limited to the lesser of one CPU socket or four processor cores.
  • For InTouch HMI-only installations, the Wonderware System Platform installer will automatically install SQL Server Express 2014 with Tools SP1 if these conditions are met:
    • No version of SQL Server is installed on the computer at the time of installation.
    • You select only the InTouch Development and Runtime Wonderware System Platform installation option. When you select InTouch Development and Runtime, a Galaxy Repository will be installed.

Additional SQL Server Notes for Wonderware Application Server

  • If multiple versions of SQL Server are installed, the one used as the Galaxy Repository must be the default instance. Named instances are not supported.
  • The Galaxy Repository locks the SQL Server maximum memory usage to 65% of the computer’s physical memory.
  • TCP/IP must be enabled on the computer hosting a SQL Server database. The TCP/IP protocol setting can be verified from the SQL Server Network Configuration under SQL Server ConfigurationManager.
  • To use the Alarm DB Logger with SQL Server Express, you need to change the default authentication mode from Windows-based to Mixed Mode.

Additional SQL Server Notes for Wonderware Information Server

  • Named instances are not supported.
  • Wonderware Information Server supports case-insensitive and case-sensitive SQL Servers.

Third-Party Application Prerequisites

For Wonderware Historian Client:

  • Microsoft Office is an optional prerequisite. If you install Office after installing Wonderware Historian Client, the Historian Client add-ins do not appear in the list of Office add-ins. Run the Wonderware Historian Client installation program and repair the installation to load the Office add-ins.
  • When you perform a custom installation of Microsoft Office 2010 or Microsoft Office 2013 (32-bit), you must install Office Shared Features and Office Tools so that the Historian add-ins for Workbook or Report can be loaded. Note: Make sure that you are not using the Microsoft Office 2013 (64-bit) version.

For Wonderware Information Server:

Module or Component Details Required Version Recommended Version
SSRS SQL Server Reporting Services (to use the ArchestrA Reporting feature) Any supported SQL Server version (see SQL Server Requirements) Any supported SQL Server version (see SQL Server Requirements)
MS Excel Microsoft Excel (to use the ActiveFactory Reporting Website feature) 2010 or 2013 (32-bit) 2010 or 2013 (32-bit)
Microsoft ASP.NET Microsoft ASP.NET. The Wonderware Information Server post-installation Configurator utility automatically configures ASP.NET. 2.0 or 3.5 3.5
MSI Microsoft Windows Installer. This is included on the installation DVD and is automatically installed. 4.5 4.5
IIS Internet Information Services. You must perform a default installation, and the Wonderware Information Server post-installation Configurator utility automatically configures IIS. 7.0, 7.5, or 8.0 7.0, 7.5, or 8.0
IE Internet Explorer (in Compatibility View mode) 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, or 11.0 11.0
OSIsoft OLE DB client connectivity software Required on the Wonderware Information Server portal node for the Information Model to connect to an OSIsoft PI Server (OLE DB) data source.
Oracle client connectivity software Required on the Wonderware Information Server portal node for the Information Model to connect to an Oracle data source. 10g and 11g 10g and 11g
Microsoft Office 10 client connectivity software Required on the Wonderware Information Server portal node for the Information Model to connect to text (.csv) data source. Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0

Wonderware Information Server supports IPv4 only.

You must install Microsoft Excel 2013 (32-bit) with the Visual Basic for Applications feature on the Wonderware Information Server computer in order for Wonderware Historian Client published reports to be viewed. The 64-bit version of Excel is not compatible.

The Wonderware Information Server installation program scans for these components. If the MSXML and Capicom components are not installed, the installation program silently installs them to the target computer. Note the following important information regarding individual components:

SQL Server Reporting Services: To use the ArchestrA Reporting feature, you must install and configure SQL Server Reporting Services and set up a reporting database before configuring the ArchestrA Reports feature in Wonderware Information Server. The versions of SQL Server and SQL Server Reporting Services used must match (for example, both 2008).
WebDAV Feature: For the Process Graphics feature to work, WebDAV is automatically installed during configuration of the Wonderware Information Server. You can manually download WebDAV from the following links:

Wonderware Product Compatibility

In a single-node environment, if you need to combine multiple products delivered within Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1, all the products need to be at the same version delivered in Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1.

In a node-to-node environment, products are compatible between the current licensed version and one licensed version back.

Compatibility means that the products can communicate with each other over the network. Co-existence means that the products can be installed on the same computer.

In some cases, Wonderware System Platform is supported in newer environments than a compatible product. Wonderware System Platform has been tested for compatibility with a listed product only in the environments that are supported by that particular product.

Product Version Compatibility Co-existence
Wonderware System Platform 4.5 N N/A
2012 Y N/A
2012 R2 Y N/A
2012 R2 P01 Y N/A
2012 R2 P02 Y N/A
2012 R2 P03 Y N/A
2014 Y N/A
2014 P01 Y N/A
2014 R2 Y N/A
2014 R2 P01 Y N/A
Wonderware InTouch CE 10.1 N N
Wonderware Manufacturing Execution System 4.0 SP1 N N
4.0 SP2 N N
4.5 (2012) P01 Y Y
5.0 (2014) Y Y
5.0.1 (2014 SP1) Y Y
Recipe Manager Plus 2.0 2014R2 Y Y
3.0 2014R3 Y Y
Wonderware InControl™ 7.11 SP2 P01 N N
Wonderware Manufacturing Execution Module 1 Y N
Wonderware InBatch™

* If you are using Wonderware Information Server with InBatch software, upgrading to Wonderware Information Server 5.6 requires an InBatch hotfix to maintain compatibility.

10.0 (2012 R2) N N
10.1 (2014) Y * Y *
10.2 (2014 R2) Y * Y *
11.0 (2014R2 SP1`) Y * Y *
Wonderware QI Analyst™ 8.0 SP1 P01 N N
8.0 SP2 Y Y
8.0 SP3 Y Y
Wonderware SCADAlarm™ 6.0 SP2 P01 N N
Wonderware Intelligence 1.5 N N
1.5.100 (2012) Y Y
2.0 P01 (2014R2 P01) Y Y
ArchestrA Workflow™ 1.5 (2012) N N
1.6 (2012 SP1) N N
1.7 (2012 R2) N N
1.8 N N
1.9 (2012 R2 SP1) N N
Wonderware Skelta BPM 2014 N N
2014R2 Y Y
2014R2 SP1 Y Y
Wonderware PEM 2.1 SP1 Y Y
Wonderware Online (see components below) 1.0
  • Historian Client Trend
10.6 Y Y
  • InTouch
11.0 and 11.1 Y Y
  • MRC (Mobile Report Connector)
Recipe Manager Plus PEM 1.0 (2014) Y Y
1.5 (2014 R2) Y Y
Schneider Electric Citect-VJC 7.2 SP3 Y Y
7.3 SP3 N Y
7.4 SP1 Y Y
Schneider Electric ClearSCADA CS 2013 R1 N Y
CS 2013 R2 N Y
CS 2014 R1 N Y
CS 2015 R1 Y Y


Supported Y
Not Supported N



  • The extended features of the ArchestrA Web Exporter only support ArchestrA Symbols and InTouchViewApp applications from Wonderware Application Server 3.1 or later, InTouch HMI 10.0 SP2 or later, and InTouch HMI 10.1 or later.
  • HTTP access to Historian Server is not supported in this version.
  • Publishing from ActiveFactory 9.2, Historian Client 10.0, 10.0 SP1, and 10.0 SP2 is supported.
  • Opening of already published Historian Client workbook reports and trends (published from an old version of Historian Client) in Wonderware Information Server 4.5 is supported.
  • Publishing from ActiveFactory 9.2, Historian Client 10.0, 10.0 SP1, and 10.0 SP2 to Wonderware Information Server versions prior to 4.5 is not supported.
  • If you are using FCS with Wonderware Information Server, note that a direct upgrade from Wonderware System Platform 4.5 to 5.1 is not supported for FCS. You must first upgrade to Wonderware System Platform 5.0.
  • Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 is not compatible with the Skelta BPM 2014 Connector for System Platform. Please contact your Wonderware sales representative for the availability of an updated Skelta BPM 2014 Connector for System Platform.

The product compatibility information contained in this Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 Readme supersedes information contained in other product Readme files delivered on the Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 DVD. In any instance where conflicting information occurs, this Readme is the more up-to-date and should be taken as correct. The Wonderware InTouch HMI 2014 R2 SP1 Readme duplicates some of the same information contained in this Readme, but is focused on InTouch HMI.

Wonderware System Platform Installation

For detailed installation instructions in English, see the Wonderware System Platform Installation Guide (WSP_Install_Guide.pdf) or Wonderware System Platform Installation Help (WSP_Install_Guide.chm). This guide supersedes the separate installation guides for the individual products. The Installation Guide pdf file is located in the root directory of the Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 installation DVD. The Installation Help chm file is located in the InstallFiles directory of the installation DVD.
The information provided in this Readme file and the InTouch Readme file supersedes the InTouch HMI Installation Help (Install-InTouch.chm) for the French, German, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese languages.

Before Installing Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1

  • Installing Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 on a computer used as a domain controller is not supported. For more information, see http://technet.microsoft.com/library/Cc966456.
  • If Recipe Manager Plus will be installed on the same computer as Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1, install Recipe Manager Plus first. Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 is installed with the latest version of ArchestrA Service Bus (ASB).

About the ArchestrA User Account

The ArchestrA user account is a user name and password combination that enables inter-node communication between all computers in an ArchestrA environment. You must specify the same user account on every node when you install the Wonderware System Platform components for the first time on computers that communicate with each other.

WARNING! The ArchestrA user account is a Windows operating system account located on the local computer or on a domain. Do not delete this account with operating system account management tools. If you do, ArchestrA-enabled software may stop functioning properly.

If the ArchestrA user account has not previously been configured, you will be prompted to configure it during the Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 installation. You must specify a user name, password, and domain.

If you choose to use an existing user account, it should meet the following requirements:

  • User account with a permanent password that does not expire.
  • User account in which the password cannot be changed.
  • User account that is a member of the local Administrators group.

After you install a Wonderware System Platform component, you can use the ArchestrA Change Network Account utility to change or re-create the ArchestrA user account. This utility is located in the Common folder after you install InTouch HMI. You must have Administrator privileges on the computer to make changes with the Change Network Account utility. For more information, see the Change Network Account utility help.

Note: If you re-create the user account using the Change Network Account utility, the Microsoft Windows security component on the computer can take several minutes to update this information on the ArchestrA Galaxy node. Until that occurs, the ArchestrA component may not function properly. Restarting the Galaxy node updates this information immediately.

Wonderware System Platform Upgrade and Migration

The following table shows supported versions for upgrade and migration.

Upgrading is installing a newer version of the software when a previous version of the software exists. An upgrade is possible when the system requirements (operating system, SQL Server, .NET Framework) are met. The upgrade process will properly remove or uninstall the previous software version and install the new version. For versions older than the current and previous licensed versions, only the latest service pack or patch versions are tested. For distributed systems, some products must be upgraded in a particular order. For more information, see upgrade information for each product in the Wonderware System Platform Installation Guide.

The earliest version of Windows supported by Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 is Windows 7 SP1, and the first version of Application Server and InTouch that supported Windows 7 SP1 was Application Server 3.1 SP3 and InTouch 10.1 SP3. Therefore, to upgrade from versions of Application Server earlier than 3.1 SP3 or InTouch earlier than 10.1 SP3 to Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1, you must manually uninstall the Wonderware software, upgrade to or replace with a compatible operating system, and then perform a fresh install of Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1.

Migration is the process of converting applications that have been created in a previous version of a product to the current version. For versions older than the current and previous licensed versions, only the latest service pack or patch versions are tested.

IMPORTANT! Back up any relevant application configuration files or databases before you start an upgrade or migration.

Product From Upgrade Node-by-Node Upgrade Migrate
Wonderware System Platform 4.5 Y Y Y
2012 Y Y Y
2012 R2 Y Y Y
2012 R2 P01 Y Y Y
2014 Y Y Y
2014 R2 Y Y Y
2014 R2 P01 Y Y Y
Wonderware Application Server 2.0 P01 N N N
2.1 P02 N N N
2.5 N N Y
3.0 SP2 N Y Y
3.1 (no SP) N Y Y
3.1 SP1 N Y Y
3.1 SP2 N Y Y
3.1 SP2 P01 N Y Y
3.1 SP3 Y Y Y
3.1 SP3 P01 Y Y Y
3.2 and later, see System Platform product N/A N/A N/A
Wonderware InTouch 7.0 N N/A N
7.1 N N/A N
7.11 P07 N N/A Y
8.0 SP2 P04 N N/A Y
9.0 P03 N N/A Y
9.5 SP1 N N/A Y
10.0 SP2 N N/A Y
10.1 (no SP) N N/A Y
10.1 SP2 N N/A Y
10.1 SP2 P01 N N/A Y
10.1 SP3 Y N/A Y
10.1 SP3 P01 Y N/A Y
10.2 Y N/A Y
10.5 Y N/A Y
10.6 Y N/A Y
11.0 Y N/A Y
11.0 P01 Y N/A Y
Wonderware Historian 8.0 SP3 P01 N N/A N
9.0 P02 N N/A Y
10.0 SP1 Y N/A Y
For 11.0 and later, see System Platform. Y N/A Y
Wonderware Historian Client 9.2 N N/A Y
9.5 N N/A Y
10.0 N N/A Y
10.0 SP1 N N/A Y
10.1 Y N/A Y
10.5 Y N/A Y
Wonderware Information Server
(Portal and Client)
3.1 N N/A N
4.0 N N/A N
4.0 SP1 N N/A N
5.0 N N/A N
5.0 P01 Y N/A Y
5.5 Y N/A Y
FS Gateway 1.5 Y N/A Y
2.0 Y N/A Y
3.0, 3.0 SP1 Y N/A Y
Supported Y
Not Supported N

Wonderware System Platform Upgrade and Migration Notes

Important Note: If you plan to upgrade Wonderware System Platform on a computer that has InTouch Access Anywhere Server installed, you must first uninstall the InTouch Access Anywhere Server. Then, upgrade Wonderware System Platform and finally reinstall InTouch Access Anywhere Server.

Back up any custom configuration of the installed instance of InTouch Access Anywhere before you uninstall it.

Application Server Upgrade and Migration Notes

If you are upgrading Wonderware Application Server to the new Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 version, be aware of the following:

  • Back up the Galaxy before starting the upgrade. Also, upload any run-time changes for critical objects. You cannot upload any run-time changes after you upgrade the system. For more information, see the Wonderware System Platform Installation online help.
  • Upgrading to Wonderware Application Server 2014 R2 SP1 will affect run-time nodes. Node-by-node upgrade is supported with limitations. Changing the security or history model in a node-by-node upgrade of the run-time nodes is not supported. Nodes that are currently deployed will not receive any history or security changes from the upgraded Galaxy Repository node.
  • Installing Wonderware Application Server 2014 R2 SP1 automatically undeploys any platform that is currently deployed in the node that is being updated. Changes to the WinPlatform object and other components require any deployed platforms to be redeployed.
  • When upgrading SQL Server on the Galaxy Repository node, back up the Galaxy before starting the upgrade. Upload any run-time changes for critical objects. You cannot upload any run-time changes after you upgrade the system. For more information, see the Wonderware Application Server Installation online Help.
  • If Wonderware Application Server is installed on the same node as Wonderware InTouch HMI, both must be upgraded to Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 versions, and you must upgrade Wonderware Application Server before upgrading InTouch HMI.
  • If the ArchestrA IDE currently connects remotely to the Galaxy Repository on another computer, install Wonderware Application Server 2014 R2 SP1 on both nodes. A remote connection between the ArchestrA IDE and the Galaxy Repository fails if the nodes have different versions of Wonderware Application Server.
  • It is strongly recommended that you undeploy the platform prior to upgrading the software in that node. Once the Galaxy Repository node is upgraded from any prior version to version 4.1 SP1, all run-time nodes hosting Wonderware InTouch applications must have both Wonderware Application Server upgraded to 2014 R2 SP1 (if you are running InTouch applications). You will not be able to deploy or undeploy objects on non-upgraded nodes. Installing the software on a run-time node will remove the running platform and objects. The platform and objects can then be redeployed after the software upgrade is complete.
  • Upgraded IDE/Client nodes cannot connect to a non-upgraded Galaxy Repository and vice-versa.
  • The Galaxy Repository node will be undeployed before upgrading to Wonderware Application Server 2014 R2 SP1.
  • Running platforms must be undeployed during the upgrade process.
  • WinPlatform and other related objects on a remote node will be marked as “software update pending”.
  • You will not be able to deploy from an upgraded Galaxy Repository node to non-upgraded remote nodes.
  • While migrating the GR node, the existing database schema is migrated to the new version 2014 R2 SP1 schema. The GR node migration fails if the GR node is used as a run-time node for another GR.
  • IMPORTANT! If the Wonderware Historian will be used to collect data from Application Server, upgrade the Historian to 2014 R2 SP1 before upgrading any Application Server Platforms to 2014 R2 SP1.

InTouch and InTouch Access Anywhere Upgrade and Migration Notes

Wonderware Historian Upgrade and Migration Notes

It is possible to upgrade from earlier versions of Wonderware Historian than 10.1, but you must first upgrade to the 10.1 version. Follow the instructions in the 10.1 documentation to perform the upgrade. After you have upgraded to the 10.1 Historian, you can then upgrade to Wonderware Historian 2014 R2 SP1.

IMPORTANT! If the Wonderware Historian will be used to collect data from Application Server, upgrade the Historian to 2014 R2 SP1 before upgrading any Application Server Platforms to 2014 R2 SP1.

Wonderware Historian Client Upgrade and Migration Notes

The application files created with ActiveFactory 9.2, Wonderware Historian Client 9.5, Wonderware Historian Client 10.0, Wonderware Historian Client 10.0 SP1, Wonderware Historian Client 10.0 with SP2, Wonderware Historian Client 2012 R2 software require no modifications to be used with the Wonderware Historian Client 2014 R2 SP1 software. Optionally, the application files can be migrated to take advantage of new retrieval features. For more information, see the Wonderware Historian Client User’s Guide.

You can open Trend, Query, Workbook, and Report files created using ActiveFactory versions 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, and Wonderware Historian Client versions 9.5, 10.0, 10.0 SP1, 10.0 with SP2, and 10.1. These documents are converted and saved to the format used by Wonderware Historian Client 2014 R2 SP1. ActiveX and .NET applications built using ActiveFactory 8.5, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, and Wonderware Historian Client 9.5, 10.0, 10.0 SP1, 10.0 with SP2, and 10.1 controls continue to operate without changes to their original functionality.

Wonderware Information Server Upgrade and Migration Notes

Direct upgrade from Wonderware Information Server v 5.0 and earlier versions is not supported. Earlier versions of Wonderware Information Server have to upgrade through Wonderware Information Server v5.0 P01 to be upgraded to Wonderware Information Server v5.6. For more information, see the Wonderware System Platform Installation Guide.

Wonderware Information Server version 5.6 supports and requires Silverlight 5.0 for ArchestrA Graphics to function correctly. The published ArchestrA Graphics from Wonderware Information Server version 5.5 or earlier can only support Silverlight 4.0 or an earlier version and hence, using the existing published ArchestrA Graphics would be not correct.

After you upgrade an earlier version of Wonderware Information Server to 5.6 or later, you must reconvert and republish all the existing published ArchestrA Graphics, including ArchestrA Symbols in Table Weaver, using the new ArchestrA Web Exporter.

If you are using Wonderware Information Server with InBatch software, upgrading to Wonderware Information Server 5.6 requires an InBatch hotfix to maintain compatibility. Contact Wonderware customer support to obtain the hotfix.


Licensing Information

Once installed, the ArchestrA License Manager can be found in the \Invensys folder on the Start menu rather than in the old License Utility folder, \Wonderware\Common.

License Server

Wonderware Information Server 2014 R2 supports using a centralized licensing server to manage client licenses. For more information, see the Invensys License Manager Guide and the license server documentation in the \InstallFiles\CD-Licensing\UserDocs folder of the Wonderware Information Server 2014 R2 installation media.

You can install the License Server as part of any Wonderware System Platform installation. If you install Wonderware Information Server, the License Server automatically installs whether or not you specifically selected it for installation.

Antivirus Software Exclusions

Configure your antivirus software to prevent archive files from being scanned.

Important Note: The paths listed here may be different based on your installation. If you are using Wonderware Historian, be sure to exclude any folder that contains history blocks.

  • Exclude the files in the lowest level subfolder of the listed directories in this section. Antivirus exclusions should not be recursive and should only apply to the lowest listed subfolder in the specified folder path.
  • If you are using a 64-bit operating system, folder names must be specified accordingly. For example, the program files root directory in a 64-bit operating system is C:\Program Files (x86)\… and the application data root directory in a 32-bit operating system is C:\ProgramData\…

Exclude these ArchestrA folders in a 32-bit system:

  • C:\ProgramData\ArchestrA\ and all subfolders
  • C:\Program Files\ArchestrA\
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\ArchestrA\
  • C:\Program Files\FactorySuite\ (The FactorySuite folder may not exist in newer installations)
  • C:\Program Files\Wonderware\
  • C:\Users\All Users\Wonderware
  • C:\InSQL\Data\ (The InSQL folder may not exist in newer installations)
  • C:\Historian\Data

Exclude these ArchestrA folders in a 64-bit system:

  • C:\ProgramData\ArchestrA\ and all subfolders
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\ArchestrA\
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\ArchestrA\
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArchestrA\
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\FactorySuite\ (The FactorySuite directory may not exist in newer installations)
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Wonderware\
  • C:\Users\All Users\Wonderware\
  • C:\Users\Public\Wonderware\
  • C:\InSQL\Data\ (The InSQL folder may not exist in newer installations)
  • C:\Historian\Data\

Exclude these folders:

  • History Store Forward directory in 32- and 64-bit systems:
    • C:\Users\All Users\ArchestrA\ (default location)
  • Checkpoint directory location default location in a 32-bit system:
    • C:\Program Files\ArchestrA\Framework\bin\
  • Checkpoint directory location default location in a 64-bit system:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\ArchestrA\Framework\bin\
  • InTouch HMI Application folder path:
    • C:\Users\Public\Wonderware\IntouchApplications (default folder path)
    • You can select an application folder path when an InTouch HMI application is created
  • SMC Logger Storage file path:
    • C:\ProgramData\ArchestrA\LogFiles\
    • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application data\Archestra\LogFiles\

Exclude these folders for Wonderware Information Server:

  • c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Wonderware\
  • c:\inetpub\wwwroot\AFWeb\
  • c:\inetpub\wwwroot\aaFlexLicWebService\
  • c:\Program Files\Wonderware\SuiteVoyager\

Exclude these files from the C:\Windows\Temp folder:

  • *.aFDX

Location of SQL Server database files to be excluded:

  • 32-bit systems:
    • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL<xx>.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\ (<xx> will vary by SQL Server version)
  • 64-bit systems:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL<xx>.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\ (<xx> will vary by SQL Server version)
  • Exclude SQL Server database files within this directory of the following types:
    • .mdf
    • .ldf
  • You can also exclude these file types (optional):
    • *.idx
    • *.pdx

Resolved Issues

This section documents important resolved issues broadly categorized as Wonderware System Platform-level issues. This list is not comprehensive. Additional resolved issues are documented in the product-specific Readme files.

ArchestrA Service Bus and Multi-Galaxy Communication Issues

Original Change Request Related Change Requests Description
L00139416 L00139753 Multiple warning messages appeared in the Logger during a Galaxy undeploy operation. The warning messages were logged from the aaConfigurationServiceHost component.

InTouch HMI Issues

Original Change Request Related Change Requests Description
L00137880 SR#103136129: While navigating among different InTouch WindowViewer windows containing ArchestrA Graphics, the “halos” indicating active, selected, or focused objects disappeared. This behavior occurred with the memory cache enabled.

Known Issues

The following important known issues are listed by their assigned CR number in ascending order. Additional known issues are documented in the product-specific Readme files.

Installation and Uninstallation Issues

L00101032: If Wonderware Information Server was installed but was never configured, and you then attempt to uninstall any Wonderware System Platform product, the following error occurs: “The program can’t start because ivfw.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.”To resolve this issue, configure Wonderware Information Server. You will then be able to uninstall the other products.
L00114588: You must manually install the language packs for the Wonderware Historian Client product by running the setup.msi file in the appropriate subfolder of the following folder of the Wonderware System Platform DVD: …\Wonderware System Platform\CD-HistorianClients\HistorianClient\Lang\.
L00114910: On a computer running the Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 (64-bit) operating system, a blank domain is shown in Admin User Page when you clear the Create Local Account check box. This behavior is a result of the browser service being disabled by default on the computer running the Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 (64-bit) operating system.
L00116883: Due to a Windows operating system issue, Wonderware InTouch HMI and related applications, such as Alarm DB Logger, can crash on startup if installed to a drive other than C:\. As a workaround, create an empty file named win.ini in folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Wonderware where “username” is the name of the user attempting to start the application.
L00120356: Creating a new graphic toolset, or creating a new symbol in an existing toolset, from the Graphic Toolbox in the IDE can result in errors in the logger if Wonderware Intelligence 1.5 is also installed. Creating a new symbol directly under the galaxy rather than from the Graphic Toolbox does not result in logger errors. Functionality is not impacted, and the logger errors can be ignored.
L00123209: When installing Wonderware System Platform, the system cannot read the Wonderware Application Server license if the Galaxy Repository and the IDE are installed on a node where Wonderware InBatch or other Invensys products are already installed. As a workaround, use the License Manager to reinstall the ArchestrA license for Application Server after the Wonderware System Platform installation is complete.
L00128943: While installing Wonderware System Platform, if the logged-on user (the installer) is not a SQL Server administrator, the Config SQL dialog box appears and requests SQL Server administrator credentials. If invalid credentials are entered multiple times before valid credentials are entered, the Application Server installation will fail, prompting for a CD location – even though the CD location is already available – and post-installation ArchestrA Service Bus configuration steps also will fail. As a workaround, uninstall any System Platform components already installed, then reinstall Wonderware System Platform. Enter correct SQL Server administrator credentials when requested.
L00130063: SR 103130498: If the Wonderware.opt file has been deleted, the system will behave erratically.To resolve this issue, re-install the Wonderware.opt file by executing the program repair option for License Manager or Application Server. You can launch repair from either from the Windows control panel or from the Wonderware System Platform installation DVD.
L00133121: SR 10417637: Installing Wonderware Application Server 2014 Patch 01 with Struxureware Power Monitoring Expert version 7.2 results in a port conflict that can cause Application Server (ArchestrA IDE) to stop working. As a workaround, specify a different port for the aaGR service as follows:

  1. Create a key with name “Remoting” if it doesn’t exist under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ArchestrA\Framework\
  2. Create a String value with name “defaultPort” under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ArchestrA\Framework\Remoting.
  3. Specify a port number, available on the local machine, other than 8090. For example, specify port 8091.
  4. Restart the aaGR service by entering the following at the command prompt:
    1. net stop aagr
    2. net start aagr
  5. Start Application Server (ArchestrA IDE).
L00138250: If Recipe Manager Plus 2014 R2 is installed on the same node where Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 has been installed, AND it is configured as “Integrated with Wonderware Application Server,” then the ASB Services Configurator in the Application Server IDE does not display service definitions and instances. The message “Failed To Get Service Definitions” is displayed.Workaround: To fix this issue, use the Configurator tool.

  1. Under Recipe Manager Plus > Server components, select the mode “Standalone” and click Configure.
  2. After completing this configuration, select the mode “Integrated with Wonderware Application Server” and configure it.
  3. When mode configuration completes, go back to the ASB Services Configurator in the ArchestrA IDE and configure ASB services.
L00139973: On a system with Wonderware Application Server, InTouch, and the Historian installed, deploying a Galaxy, uninstalling the Historian, then undeploying the Galaxy results in errors in the Logger and the Bootstrap service stopped and set to disabled.Workaround: Repair Wonderware Application Server from Windows’ Add/Remove Programs utility.

Upgrade and Migration Issues

L00133523: If you upgrade ArchestrA System Platform 2012, ArchestrA System Platform 2012 R2, and Wonderware System Platform 2014 to Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 and if you navigate back from the dynamic pre-requisite screen (or further) to the Wonderware Information Server readiness checkness screen, the Next button is not available in that screen and you cannot proceed with the upgrade.This is due to the fact that by the time the Back navigation was initiated, the MS-SQL Server was already stopped by the upgrade process, resulting in a validation process failure.

Workaround: You must cancel the installation, restart the SQL Server and relaunch the install.

ArchestrA Service Bus and Multi-Galaxy Communication Issues

L00123462: In a multi-galaxy environment, you can pair galaxies by IP address rather than using a node name (computer machine name). Unpairing galaxies identified by IP address fails when NetBIOS and DNS solutions are unavailable. Where your galaxies are identified by IP address, you must create a temporary host file to map the IP addresses as hostnames for purposes of unpairing.

For example, Node1 and Node2 are identified by IP address and are paired. To unpair them, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Hosts file on Node1. In Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2 operating systems, the Hosts file typically can be found at C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\.
  2. Open the Hosts file in Notepad. In Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2 systems, you should right click the Notepad executable, and click Run as Administrator, then open the Hosts file from inside Notepad.
    Alternatively, you can click Start, then click Run, then enter the following command in the text box:
    notepad c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts.
  3. Edit the Hosts file:
    1. Enter the IP address for Node2.
    2. On the same line as the IP address, provide a node (computer) name.
    3. Enter IP addresses and node (computer) names for each node identified by IP address to be unpaired.
  4. Save and close the Hosts file. You should now be able to unpair the galaxies.
L00123474: Writing from InTouch to a remote galaxy using indirect tags can fail for some of the remote references. Object Viewers on two different nodes may show different values for the same reference. You can avoid this issue by deactivating Advanced Communication Management in the IDE. Additionally, if you use the same indirect tag with scripting more than one time, you can modify your scripts to set the indirect tag’s name property to an empty string after the loop completes. For example, in the following script snippet, you would add the line highlighted with bold text:

IF bRunScript  THEN

FOR tagval = 1 TO 3
indirect.Name = “Testtag” + Text(tagval, “0”);

IF indirect.Value > 4  THEN
indirect.Value  = 0;
indirect.Value  = indirect.Value  + 1;
indirect.Value  = indirect.Value  + 1;
indirect.Name = “”;



L00123475: When configuring user-configurable ArchestrA Services – ASBGRBrowsing service, ASBMxDataProvider service, and ASBAuthorization service – it is important not to assign the same port number to two instances of a service on the same node. However, it can occur that while creating instances of a service and assigning them to the same node, that the system can erroneously assign a duplicate port number by default. The main symptom of this error is that you do not see a remote galaxy where expected, such as in a list of available galaxies in the Galaxy Browser. As a first step in troubleshooting this problem, do the following:

  1. Open the Configure ArchestrA Services utility.
  2. Note the port number of the ASBGRBrowsing service instance for the missing galaxy.
  3. Compare this to the port numbers of other ASBGRBrowsing service instances assigned to the same node.
  4. If you find a service instance with a duplicate port number on the same node:
    1. Undeploy the browsing service of the missing galaxy.
    2. Change the port number to a unique number for that node.
    3. Redploy the browsing service instance.
L00125223: If you create galaxies on separate nodes, with Wonderware System Platform 2014 (or later) IDE installed on one node and Wonderware System Platform 2012 R2 IDE installed on a second node, then pair them for multi-galaxy communication, you will be able to browse galaxy attributes from the 2014 (or later) IDE to the 2012 R2 IDE, but not from the 2012 R2 IDE to the 2014 (or later) IDE. Installing Wonderware System Platform 2012 R2 Patch 01 on the second node resolves the issue.
L00133534: Undeploying a galaxy with Object Viewer active will cause Object Viewer to shut down with an informational message that requires acknowledgement (click OK) to complete the shutdown. In a multi-galaxy configuration, with Object Viewer open, undeploying a paired Galaxy, then redeploying the galaxy without properly shutting down Object Viewer, can cause ASB services to fail to reconnect to the redeployed galaxy. To avoid this condition, click OK to shut down Object Viewer before redeploying the galaxy.
L00139918: Uninstalling Wonderware InBatch versions 10.2 or 11.0 installed on a Wonderware System Platform 2014R2 SP1 system results in a failure to connect to ArchestrA Service Bus (ASB) services. If you uninstall either of these InBatch versions then cannot connect to ASB services, run a repair on Wonderware System Platform 2014R2 SP1 using Windows’ Add/Remove Programs utility.

InTouch HMI Issues

The following known issues are in addition to those documented in the InTouch HMI Readme.

L00139557: When using a non-default SQL port: In Runtime with multiple EACs configured, database connections may fail with a “Timeout expired” warning (see full text below) appearing in the SMC.

Error Message: Open() in DCMConnection failed: ‘Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.’

Workaround: Perform a manual refresh on the EAC control to re-establish the connection.

L00139560: When using a non-default SQL port: If the primary Historian server is down during a restart of WindowViewer, trend updates are delayed by approximately 25 seconds. This is a one-time delay after WindowViewer restarts.
L00139681: After changing the SQL port of the Historian node and restarting Historian, the ArchestrA Trend Client (RT Trend) does not reconnect to Historian.

Workaround: Restart the instance of WindowViewer hosting the Trend client.

L00139786: After switching between default and custom SQL ports for Dual Historian, on a machine where the ArchestrA Trend Client (RT Trend) is used and is configured by scripting, only the real time trend displays, not the Historian trend.

Workaround: Delete the servers.xml file typically found at the following location: C:\Users\<user-name>\AppData\Local\Wonderware\ActiveFactory\servers.xml.

L00139789: Connecting to a SQL database in Microsoft Windows 8 or Windows 10 operating systems, when a non-default port is configured for SQL, results in an error message that a connection to the server is not available.

Workaround: Disable (shut down) the firewall on Windows 8 and Windows 10 operating system machines.

L00139813: Deploying an InTouchViewApp with a fully qualified file name exceeding 260 characters results in errors logged in the Logger and client controls not copied to the destination location. A fully qualified file name is one that prefixes the file name with the drive letter and directory path. The fully qualified file name must not exceed 260 characters, and the directory name must not exceed 248 characters. These are Windows operating system limitations.
L00139833: Migrating a Galaxy which has an InTouchViewApp with embedded Historian Client controls from Wonderware System Platform versions 2012R2 or 2014R2 to version 2014R2 Service Pack 1, results in errors logged in the Logger.

Workaround: Before migrating the InTouch application, delete the previous version Historian Client controls that exist in the Galaxy. Import the newer version controls.

ArchestrA Alarm Control Issues

If you create a filter for a history block query that results in no matches, “Not Connected” appears in the status bar and a warning is logged to the ArchestrA Logger. The status bar should show “Connected” even though no matches are returned.


The Wonderware System Platform documentation is available Adobe Acrobat .pdf files that are available from the following locations on the Wonderware System Platform DVD:

\Wonderware System Platform\CD-ApplicationServer\UserDocs\English

\Wonderware System Platform\CD-Historian-x64\UserDocs\English

\Wonderware System Platform\CD-HistorianClients\HistorianClient\Docs

\Wonderware System Platform\CD-Intouch\UserDocs\English

\Wonderware System Platform\CD-WIS\UserDocs\English

To view the documentation, you must first download the latest version of Adobe Reader from the Adobe Corporation web site: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.

You can also access online Help systems from within the software.

Common Components and Utilities User Documentation

  • Wonderware System Platform Installation Guide. This guide provides information on installing the Wonderware System Platform, including hardware and software requirements and migration instructions.
  • Log Viewer User’s Guide. Explains how to use the Log Viewer utility to determine system diagnostics.
  • Log Flag Editor Utility Guide. Explains how to turn on and off certain diagnostics logging messages.
  • Invensys License Manager Guide. Explains how to install and manage product licenses.
  • Wonderware ArchestrA Protocol Guide. Explains background information on the main protocols used between components of Wonderware products.

Wonderware InTouch HMI 2014 R2 SP1 Documentation

  • InTouch HMI Concepts and Capabilities Guide. Describes all of the features and main concepts in the InTouch HMI without going too deep into the technical and procedural details.
  • InTouch Modern Application Guide. Describes the tasks to manage Modern applications from Application Manager and configure Modern applications from WindowMaker.
  • The InTouch HMI Application Management and Extension Guide. Describes how to create and manage InTouch applications locally and in a network environment.
  • InTouch HMI Data Management Guide. Describes how to work with data items in the InTouch HMI and connect your application to the physical devices in your plant environment.
  • InTouch HMI Visualization Guide. Describes how to develop the graphical operator interface of an InTouch application.
  • InTouch HMI SmartSymbols Guide. Describes how to create reusable templates for graphic symbols that can save you a lot of engineering time and effort.
  • InTouch HMI and ArchestrA Integration Guide. Describes how to integrate the InTouch HMI and ArchestrA technology to develop more robust applications that use richer graphics.
  • InTouch HMI Alarms and Events Guide. Describes how to configure alarms for your data items, how to view and acknowledge alarms, and how to use the alarm clients and utilities supplied with the InTouch HMI.
  • InTouch HMI Scripting and Logic Guide. Describes how to write scripts in the InTouch HMI to automate common tasks and processes. This guide includes a reference of the InTouch scripting language and functions.
  • InTouch HMI Supplementary Components Guide. Describes software components that you can optionally install and use with the InTouch HMI.

Wonderware Application Server 2014 R2 SP1 Documentation

  • Wonderware Application Server User’s Guide. Explains configuring and deploying Wonderware Application Server applications.
  • Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics User’s Guide. Explains how you create and manage graphical symbols using the ArchestrA Symbol Editor within the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
  • Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide. Reference for the scripting language in Wonderware Application Server.
  • Object Viewer User’s Guide. Explains how to acquire run-time data using the Object Viewer.
  • Guide to the ArchestrA Alarm Control. Explains how to configure the alarm control (client) to show current and historical alarms and events in a grid.
  • Guide to the ArchestrA Trend Client. Explains how to configure a chart to trend real-time data values.
  • Platform Manager User’s Guide. Explains how to start and stop system components.
  • Galaxy Database Manager User’s Guide. Explains how to backup and restore the Galaxy database.
  • Wonderware InTouch HMI and ArchestrA Integration Guide. Explains how you can use the ArchestrA Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to manage InTouch HMI applications so that you can use symbols you create in the ArchestrA Symbol Editor.

Wonderware Historian Server 2014 R2 SP1 Documentation

  • Wonderware Historian Concepts Guide. Provides an overview of the entire Wonderware Historian system and describes each of the subsystems in detail.
  • Wonderware Historian Administration Guide. Describes how to administer and maintain an installed Wonderware Historian, such as, configuring data acquisition and storage, managing security, configuring replication, and monitoring the system.
  • Wonderware Historian Database Reference. Provides documentation for all of the Wonderware Historian database entities, such as, tables, views, and stored procedures.
  • Wonderware Historian Glossary. Provides definitions for terms used throughout the documentation.

Wonderware Historian Client 2014 R2 SP1 Documentation

  • Wonderware Historian Client Software User’s Guide Describes how to use stand-alone applications, Microsoft Office add-ins, and ActiveX and .NET controls to retrieve and display data.

Wonderware Information Server 2014 R2 Documentation

  • Wonderware Information Server Administration Guide. Describes how to administer and maintain a Wonderware Information Server, including configuring data sources, managing security, and performing customizations.
  • Wonderware Information Server Win-XML Exporter Guide. Describes how to use the Win-XML Exporter to convert InTouch HMI application windows to web pages and publish them to the Wonderware Information Server. This guide also includes a section for designing InTouch HMI application windows for Wonderware Information Server. This section describes how to best design InTouch HMI windows so that they can be successfully converted and optimally viewed in the portal.
  • ArchestrA Web Exporter Guide. Describes how to use the ArchestrA Web Exporter to publish ArchestrA Symbols and InTouch HMI Windows to Wonderware Information Server. This guide also describes how to add, delete and modify WindowSets and SymbolWeaverSets of the project and preview them in the preview window of ArchestrA Web Exporter.
  • ActiveFactory for Wonderware Information Server Help. Describes how to use the ActiveFactory for Wonderware Information Server web portal to view a variety of reports that include data from Wonderware Historians.
  • ArchestrA License Manager Guide. Describes the ArchestrA License Manager and how to use it to install and manage licenses and license servers on local and remote computers.

Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Version 11.1.100 Readme

Last revision: 1/12/2016

About This Readme

This Readme provides information about Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere version 11.1.100.

InTouch Access Anywhere Overview

New Features of InTouch Access Anywhere Version 11.1.100

Requirements, Browsers, and Mobile Devices

Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Installation

Resolved Issues

Known Issues and Behaviors

Windows RT

Browser and Operating System Combinations

All Operating Systems

InTouch Access Anywhere Documentation

Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Overview

InTouch Access Anywhere provides remote access to Wonderware InTouch applications with an HTML5 Web browser running on a desktop computer or a mobile device. Any Web browser that supports HTML5 can be used as the client to view InTouch applications running on a remote desktop server. Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere enables you to select an InTouch application from a list and view it running in WindowViewer.

The InTouch Access Anywhere installation media provides the following:

  • InTouch Access Anywhere Server: Enables you to view remote Wonderware InTouch applications hosted on Terminal Servers with an HTML5-compliant web browser running on mobile devices or a desktop.
  • InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway: Optional server that provides remote, secure connections from clients running on unsecured networks to internal network resources. The Secure Gateway provides authentication and authorization services as well as data encryption.

New Features of InTouch Access Anywhere Version 11.1.100

  • “Fit to browser” and ‘Fit to screen (Full Screen)”‘ resolution choices.
  • Start page Multilanguage support (English, German French S-Chinese and Japanese).
  • Ability to hide specific InTouch applications from InTouch Access Anywhere.
  • Enhanced performance. 64 bit support, improvements in animation performance and lower audio bandwidth use.
  • Automatic reconnect upon recovery
  • Time Zone redirection
  • TouchPad Mouse functionality
  • Graphical gesture help for touch screen devices
  • New session Toolbar
  • ESC and Tab keys from the Toolbar
  • Clipboard feature on the toolbar for desktop computers
  • Keyboard auto-sense for touch screen devices

Requirements, Browsers, and Mobile Devices

This section summarizes InTouch Access Anywhere installation requirements, supported browsers, and considerations for viewing InTouch applications on mobile devices. For more detailed information, see the Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere documentation.

Installation Requirements

The following list describes the prerequisites to install the InTouch Access Anywhere Server or Secure Gateway.

  • The computer that will host the Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Server must be running a 64-bit version of Windows Server supported by InTouch 10.6 or later. Note: Embedded operating systems are not supported by InTouch Access Anywhere Server.
  • The computer that will host the Secure Gateway must be running Windows 2003 or newer.
  • Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere server must be installed on the same RDP Server computer as Wonderware InTouch HMI.
  • The Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere server and Secure Gateway must be installed on separate computers.
  • Remote Desktop Services (RDS) must be enabled and properly configured. For detailed instructions, refer to the InTouch Access Anywhere Server Administrator Manual.
  • You must have an InTouch 2012 R2 TSE or InTouch 2014 R2 TSE Concurrent License installed on the same computer as your Wonderware InTouch and InTouch Access Anywhere Server installations.
  • Per-Device licenses are not supported.

Important Security Requirement: Securely Deploying InTouch Access Anywhere

Direct access to the InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway over the Internet is not supported. We recommend that you access the Gateway via a VPN tunnel for all remote connections.


Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere can be accessed from smart phones, tablets, and laptop computers that provide an HTML5-compliant web browser. Browsers verified to work with Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere include the following:

Browsers Tested with InTouch Access Anywhere

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
  • Firefox version 40
  • Safari version 8
  • Chrome version 44
  • Opera version 31

Functionally Compatible Browsers

Certain versions of the above listed browsers, such as

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 if connected through Secure Gateway
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 10
  • Firefox versions 6 and higher
  • Safari versions 5 and higher
  • Chrome versions 12 and higher
  • Opera versions 11 and higher

are in theory functionally compatible with InTouch Access Anywhere. While you may be able to use them, specific behaviors are unknown as these browser versions have not been tested.


Although Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere supports the listed browsers, you should review the Known Issues and Behaviors section of this Readme for issues specific to each browser.

For further information about configuring and using Internet Explorer versions 7, 8, and 9, please contact Wonderware Technical Support.

Mobile Devices

Run-time interactions with InTouch applications are different on mobile devices than on traditional desktop computers. For example:

  • Touch gestures perform some of the tasks that a mouse would do on a desktop or laptop, but not all mouse events have an equivalent touch gesture.
  • Many mobile devices have built-in software keyboards instead of physical keyboards, which do not have keys such as F1-F12, CTRL, and ALT.

When using InTouch Access Anywhere to remotely view and interact with your applications, it is important to be aware of the behavior differences among devices, operating systems, and browsers. For the best user experience, you should become familiar with the touch interfaces in the devices you will use, and factor these differences into the design of your InTouch applications. For example:

  • Input animations do not need to invoke the InTouch or Windows operating system keyboards as mobile devices typically have their own.
  • Existing InTouch applications that make use of mouse events and keys or key combinations without a supported equivalent in a touch environment may require you to modify your application to use alternate supported methods.

Installing Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere

Use the following procedures to install Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere.

Installing Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Server

Note: If you are upgrading to a newer version of InTouch Access Anywhere Server, take the following steps first:

  1. Back up any customizations to your InTouch Access Anywhere Server installation.
  2. Uninstall InTouch Access Anywhere Server from the Programs and Features section of the Windows Control Panel.
  3. Install InTouch Access Anywhere Server as described below.

To install Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Server:

  1. Run setup.exe from the root folder of the Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere installation media.
  2. After briefly displaying a splash screen, the options selection window appears. Select InTouch Access Anywhere Server, and click Next.
  3. Click Next to accept the default installation settings, or select the Customize Installation option to change the installation destination, and then:
    1. Click Next.
    2. Click the Browse button to provide an installation path.
    3. Click Next.
  4. Accept the license agreement by selecting the I have read and accept the terms of the license agreement(s) option, and then clicking Agree.
  5. The Ready to Install the Application screen appears. Review the installation details and click Install.
  6. Click Finish after the installer indicates that the Installation has completed successfully.

Installing the Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway

Refer to the InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway Admin Manual for detailed instructions on installing InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway.


You cannot install the InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway on the same computer as InTouch or the InTouch Access Anywhere Server.

The InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway does not provide two factor authentication. This can be a security concern when you directly access the InTouch Access Anywhere server through the Internet. InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway security is not designed to be directly connected to the internet. As a workaround, you can use a VPN as the first level of authentication when accessing the InTouch Access Anywhere server through the Secure Gateway.

To access InTouch applications beyond a firewall you must install the Secure Gateway on a separate computer located in a DMZ.

After installing the Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway, your InTouch applications will not be available in the Application Name: list box when running InTouch Access Anywhere through the gateway. To access a list of your applications, see the Secure Gateway post-installation instructions in the InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway Administrator’s Guide.

Resolved Issues

This section lists defects resolved with this release.

TFS218571 [iOS: Safari, Chrome] No prompt is given when connected and trying to leave the page.
TFS218574 [iOS: Opera Mini] [Documentation] Opera on iOS is unable to reach the Access Anywhere web server.
TFS218941 [Win RT Specific] ZoomIn/ZoomOut are not supported on Win RT machine.
TFS218942 [iOS: Safari, Chrome] [Win RT Specific] Unable to open context menu Through Touch.
TFS218947 [Win RT Specific] The pop Dialog window looks blurred after dragging the Dialog across the screen.
TFS218957 [All Browsers] In the “Alarm DB Viewer Control” Up and down arrow keys blacken on selection.
TFS218962 [All Browsers] Freeze action in the “Alarm Viewer Control” is showing up a black icon “Display Frozen” cell below the table.
TFS218970 [iOS: Safari, Android: Opera] Key scripts involving CTRL, ALT combinations don’t work (doesn’t work with bluetooth keyboard).
TFS218972 [All Browsers] No notification is provided to the user when the connection (network) between InTouch application in the browser and InTouch Access anywhere is lost.
TFS218973 [All Browsers] Overall sluggish mouse response.
TFS218985 [Android Specific] Drag/Move of pop up windows across the screen is very difficult.
TFS218987 [All Browsers] [Documentation] Without keyboard, soft keyboard doesn’t come up and iPad bluetooth keyboard doesn’t help.
TFS218988 [Safari] Intermittent: User Input animation does not bring up the Intouch keyboard.
TFS218991 [Android-Opera] Scroll bar cannot be scrolled by using the scroll bar.
TFS219341 [iOS: Safari, Android: Opera] Windows Keyboard does not work.
TFS219342 [iPad-Safari] Resize Keyboard, alphabetical, does not work on iPad Safari.
TFS220378 [Win RT] Intermittent: Initial Data Subscription is not happening until User touches the screen.
TFS220379 [Android-Chrome] The address bar blocks Viewer title bar and menu bar.
TFS220382 [Win RT Specific] Window Viewer (Session) is hanging after Delta Deploy.
TFS220390 [Win RT Specific] Short cut keys with Shift+”–” and Alaphabet are not working.
TFS220391 [All browsers] 2 Modal dialogs will pop up, if Development menu item is clicked. Viewer focus will be blocked and cannot be closed.
TFS220393 [Win RT Specific] Window viewer is hanging after unlocking the Tablet on which Host is running.
TFS220398 [iOS: Safari, Android: Opera] iPad and Galaxy Note 8 software keyboard does not support F1~F12, Ctrl, and Alt keys.
TFS220412 [iOS: Safari, Android: Opera, Firefox, Chrome]: Ctrl-Shift does not work for Key Script on iPad and Android while using bluetooth keyboard. Also, Ctrl does not work on iPad.
TFS220413 [iOS: Safari, Android: Opera, Firefox, Chrome]:] The InTouch software keyboard shows in the screen center all the time. On a high resolution IT app, user needs to scroll a lot on the tablet to find the software keyboard.
TFS220414 [Android: Opera, Firefox, Chrome]: aaSymbol Tooltips animation does not work.
TFS220415 [iOS: Safari, Android: Opera, Firefox, Chrome]: aaSymbol Slider animation cannot be moved smoothly.
TFS220418 [All Browsers, except RT IE10] Certain mouse events don’t work. The ones that don’ t work include “while left key down”, “on right key down”, “while right key down” and “on right key double click”. Also, On right up should not work but works.
TFS220420 [iPad: Safari, Android-Opera]: Slider from symbol lib does not work.
TFS220486 [iPad: Safari, Chrome, Android: Opera] ITAA Keyboard icon blocks the Viewer menu bar.
TFS221083 [All Environments]TSE scripts are returning the name of Ericom Access server in place of TSE server.
TFS221170 [Android – Firefox] IT window opened directly from Window to Showdialog after selecting window without clicking OK button.
TFS221177 [All browsers] Maker will be started while clicking Development! from Viewer menu.
TFS221178 [All Browsers] NAD functionality is not working.
TFS221179 [All Browsers]When a user opts not to launch the I/O Servers when prompted during the launching of Window Viewer, the TSE session logs off the session.ying to leave the page.
TFS221647 [Android Firefox] Bluetooth keyboard sends 2 characters when 1 key is pressed.
TFS221668 Users are prompted with information related to an “untrusted security certificate” when connecting to the Secure Gateway.
TFS221669 The Actions Scripts triggered by the mouse center button are not working on tablets. Issue happens on all supported browsers on all tablets (iPad, Android (Samsung Galaxy 8.0 & Windows RT (Surface)).
TFS221670 The DRC in ITAA is only applicable when the same user connects to server using regular RDP and enable DRC settings from IT App Manager.
TFS221762 On dialogs that have multiple text boxes, the “Next/Previous” buttons on the iPad are not enabled for the user to move to the next/previous text box.
TFS222597 Trying to connect after clicking “Reset” on landing page fails.
TFS222599 [Safari on IPAD, Android, Chrome on Desktop]Fast Typing of numbers on the numeric pop up pad is showing wrong values in the display.
TFS223125 [Desktop-IE10]:On providing Input through InTouch Keyboard on Server and hovering mouse on the outbound rectangle, a paint issue is seen.
TFS223128 [Desktop-IE10]:Unable to launch UserInput on selecting Windows Keyboard.
TFS229998 Short Cut (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) to open the task manager is working for ITAA Browser session.
TFS229999 [Specific to Android Samsung] Text Elements look blurred when the memory consumption in Android version is more.
TFS230621 [Safari Browser Specific] Private browsing must be turned off for the Safari browser when accessing InTouch Access Anywhere server.
L00137284 SR103133750: The “Number of sessions” incorrectly displayed 0 when a user was connected.
L00136906 SR48710104: The mouse cursor was disappearing intermittently.
L00136671 SR50310321: Input of several characters via Firefox (minus, plus, number sign and mutated vowels) was not possible when using German as an input language.

Known Issues and Behaviors

This section describes known issues and platform/browser-specific behaviors in Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere. The issues are grouped by operating systems. Workarounds are provided when available. You can also refer to the InTouch Access Anywhere user documentation for more information.

Operating Systems Issues and Behaviors
Windows RT Internet Explorer 10 on WinRT in a touch environment: A mouse cursor may disappear after using the Surface keyboard to enter data. As a workaround, use touch gestures in place of mouse inputs. TFS218943.
All Operating Systems Firefox: Values entered using the InTouch keyboard appear twice. TFS542896.
Internet Explorer 10, Safari 8: Playsound() works with Chrome, Opera, and Firefox, but not with Internet Explorer 10 or Safari 8. L00133687.
Internet Explorer: When accessing the InTouch Access Anywhere server through an RDP desktop session, user input animations using the Windows operating system keyboard do not start the keyboard. The recommended workaround is to use the device’s built-in keyboard. TFS542851.
InTouch Access Anywhere sessions are randomly disconnected. L00139175, L00132897.

Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Documentation

Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere product documentation is provided as a set of Portable Document Files (PDF):

  • InTouch_Access_Anywhere_Admin_Manual.pdf
  • InTouch_Access_Anywhere_Secure_Gateway.pdf
  • ITAA_UserManual.pdf

You need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to view InTouch documentation. You can download the latest version of Adobe Reader from the Adobe Corporation web site: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.

After installing Adobe Reader, double-click a PDF file with your pointing device to view the book with Adobe Reader. You can also open a PDF with the Adobe Reader Open command from the File menu.

The Access Anywhere software is licensed pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the enclosed Ericom Software Ltd. End User License Agreement.

© 2015 Schneider Electric Software, LLC. All rights reserved.


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