RandInt InTouch Script Function

RandInt is a 32-bit script function designed for InTouch, Version 6.0 and later, running on Windows NT 4.0. When called, RandInt returns a random integer that falls within the range of the two passed in parameters.

  • Each of the parameters must be between 0 and 32000 inclusive.
  • The first parameter[……]

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IsNodeAppRunning Function


IsNodeAppRunning() allows the user to determine from an InTouch® script if a program is running on the local computer or on a remote computer.


IsNodeAppRunning(ComputerName, ProgramName);

This can be an empty string for the name of the local computer, or the full nam[……]

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IntFromString() Script Function

The InTouch™ script function IntFromString() converts a given numeric string into an integer value based on a given Base (that is, Base 2, 8, 10, 16, or 32). IntFromString() requires that you supply the integer base of the string within a range of 2 to 35. IntFromString() is limited to InTouch’s 32-[……]

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