System Platform 2020 R2 Released

Wonderware System Platform 2020 R2 have already change name to AVEVA™ System Platform 2020 R2.

Included in This Release

Program Name


AVEVA Application Server 2020 R2 including AVEVA OMI


AVEVA Communication Drivers Pack 2020 R2


AVEVA Enterprise License Manager


AVEVA Enterprise License Server


AVEVA Enterprise Licensing Platform


AVEVA Historian, formerly Wonderware 2020 R2


AVEVA Historian Client 2020 R2


AVEVA InTouch HMI, formerly Wonderware 2020 R2


AVEVA InTouch Access Anywhere Server 2020 R2


AVEVA InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway 2020 R2


Insight Publisher


Platform Common Services 4.5.1


System Monitor Agent Install Manager 1.3


System Monitor Manager 1.3


About This Release

Changelog: System Platform 2020 R2

Change Description

Licensing enhancements

Ability to use AVEVA OMI layouts as content

Ability to add a background image to AVEVA OMI layouts

Support for Galaxy Style Libraries

Improved navigation node security

Support for Web Widgets in AVEVA OMI layout panes

New Graphic Repeater app

Alias names promoted to first class citizens

Security enhancements

Miscellaneous bug fixes

Incorporate InTouch HMI and Application Server hot fixes

Supported System Platform Versions for Product Upgrade

You can upgrade directly to AVEVA System Platform 2020 R2 from Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 or newer.

All existing, installed products on a node must be upgraded to the same version. Therefore, when you upgrade a node to System Platform 2020 R2, all products on the node must be upgraded to version 2020 R2.

Important! System Platform does not support mixed Windows workgroup/domain environments. Although workgroups are supported, domain-based networking is recommended. However, you cannot use workgroup nodes within a domain environment.

Supported System Platform Versions for Migration

You can migrate user-created content (for example, .cab files, .aaPKG files, Historian databases, etc.,) to System Platform 2020 R2, as long as the content was created in one of the following product versions:

  • System Platform: Version 4.5 or newer
  • Application Server: Version 2.5 or newer
  • InTouch HMI: Version 7.11 P07 or newer
  • Historian Server: Version 9.0 P02 or newer
  • FS Gateway: Version 1.5 or newer

Server-based Licensing

AVEVA System Platform 2020 R2 continues to utilize the server-based licensing subsystem introduced in System Platform 2017. This new licensing subsystem provides centralized license management, and replaces the file-based licensing system that was used in prior releases. Licenses must be activated before use.

If you are upgrading from Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 SP1 (with or without patches), you must first install and configure a license server node, and activate the licenses to ensure continuous plant operation. The license server is typically installed on the Galaxy Repository node, but you can use a dedicated license server. See the “License Installation and Activation” section of the System Platform Installation Guide (SP_Install_Guide.pdf), located at the root of the DVD.

Application Object Toolkit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 is required for System Platform 2020 R2. When the System Platform installation process begins, it automatically checks the .NET version and installs the correct version if needed.

The Application Object Toolkit (AOT) is not included in the System Platform 2020 R2 release, but if you use AOT to build objects for Application Server, check that you have installed and configured the developer pack for .NET 4.8 when you create your AOT solution in Visual Studio.

Start Menu and Shortcut Changes

Some Start menu folders and some of the System Platform shortcuts they contain have been renamed. Commonly used applications, such as the Change Network Account utility, Configurator, and System Platform Management Console, are now located under the AVEVA Start menu folder. These were under the Wonderware Utilities folder prior to System Platform 2020.

Old Name

System Platform 2020/2020 R2 Name


Wonderware Utilities



Wonderware Documentation

AVEVA Documentation


Wonderware Historian

AVEVA Historian


Wonderware InTouch



Wonderware System Platform

AVEVA System Platform


Sentinel System Monitor

AVEVA System Monitor


ArchestrA Service Bus Portal

Common Services Portal


AVEVA Enterprise License Manager

Enterprise License Manager


Sentinel Application

System Monitor Application


Readme Files for Other Products in this Release

To access individual product Readme files, insert the System Platform installation DVD and navigate to the applicable folder under the InstallFiles directory. Review the known and resolved issues contained in each Readme file for the component products updated for this release:


Location on Installation DVD

Application Server 2020 R2


InTouch HMI 2020 R2


Historian Server 2020 R2


Historian Client 2020 R2


InTouch Access Anywhere 2020 R2


Important Information for Highly Secured Environments (TLS 1.2 Exclusively)

Affected Systems

This information is applicable to a small subset of highly secured environments, in which operating systems and supporting networks have been configured to enable TLS 1.2 and where TLS 1.0 and 1.1 have been purposefully disabled. In these rare instances, some additional configuration is required to ensure that System Platform will work as expected.

System Platform 2020 R2 includes various measures to strengthen security, including the ability to leverage TLS (transport layer security) 1.2, provided that TLS 1.2 is enabled and configured in the host operating system.

In some cases, you may have to enable TLS 1.2 support by applying Microsoft updates and by making several manual edits to the system registry. The tasks of applying all Microsoft updates and editing the system registry must be completed before you install System Platform 2020 R2. These instructions also apply to any other software products that support TLS 1.2. Follow the instructions listed below.

If you are required to enable TLS 1.2 and disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1:

  1. Before installing System Platform 2020 R2, make sure that your computer is up to date by downloading and installing all applicable Microsoft updates.
  2. If required by the updates, restart your computer.
  3. Edit the system registry (requires administrator permissions). For additional information about these registry changes, see the Microsoft document, Configuring security via the Windows Registry.

    The .REG file shown below sets registry keys to their safest values.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00







  4. Restart your computer to ensure that all changes take effect.
  5. Install System Platform 2020 R2.

How to Find the Latest Product Requirements and Compatibility Information

For important information about this product release, go to the AVEVA Global Customer Support (GCS) website. Information on the GCS website includes product requirements, compatibility, as well as downloads from previous releases. After you log in, you can filter search results by product name and the release/version.

  • The GCS Product Hub contains Readme files, videos, and product downloads from previous product releases.
  • The GCS Technology Matrix is a searchable database that contains the latest product information. Enter the product name in the search bar, then select the current release to view:
    • Product Information: version name, number, release date, etc.
    • Product Notes: key release information, new features, and updates
    • OS Compatibility: list of compatible Windows and Windows Server versions
    • Database Compatibility: list of compatible SQL Server and other database product versions
    • Virtualization Compatibility: list of compatible virtualization software products and versions
    • Product Coexistence: list of products that can be installed on the same computer
    • Product Compatibility and Interoperability: list of products that can operate together and communicate with each other through a common message protocol

New Features in System Platform 2020 R2

System Platform 2020 R2 includes the following new features, as well as miscellaneous bug fixes.

New Features in Application Server and AVEVA OMI 2020 R2

Alias Names

Alias Names are now first class citizens in the system.

Graphic Repeater App

The Graphic Repeater app allows a single graphic to be shown multiple times in an AVEVA OMI layout pane, with each occurrence using different values. Dynamic sorting of the graphic, based on the current run-time values, is supported.

Web Widgets

Web Widgets, previously supported only in InTouch HMI windows, are now supported in AVEVA layout panes.

Navigation Node Security

Navigation Node Security can now use roles.

Galaxy Style Libraries

Galaxy Style Libraries are supported and the Galaxy Style Library can be dynamically changed at runtime.

Support for Expressions in External Content Objects

External Content objects, which previously could use only static strings, now allow dynamic strings. These dynamic strings can be any combination of static strings, references, and complex expressions. The behavior of the dynamic content is determined at run time, and is the same as provided by the Industrial Graphic Editor.

Flex License Mode Configuration

Flex License mode configuration has been enhanced.

Layout Background Image

A background image can be set for an entire AVEVA OMI layout.

GR Access Toolkit

The GR Access Toolkit has been updated to support Flex licensing. The toolkit is available as a separate download from AVEVA Support website:

Linked Layouts

Layouts can be used as content and linked to templates and assets.


The Galaxy Repository process periodically retries obtaining a license if it cannot obtain one, or if it loses an acquired license.

New Features in InTouch HMI 2020 R2

InTouch HMI 2020 R2 includes a number of new features, hot fixes, and provides support for the latest versions of Microsoft products. Refer to the GCS Technology Matrix for the list of supported Microsoft products. The following section summarizes the major features introduced in this release.

AVEVA Connect

Enhancements and improvements in security and performance to the integration with AVEVA Connect.

Web Widgets

This release introduces two new web widgets QR Code Scanner and Web Browser.

InTouch HMI as an OPC UA Server

InTouch HMI can now function as a secure OPC UA Server allowing OPC UA clients to connect to it.

Web Client

The following enhancements and improvements were made to the Web Client this release:

  • Web Client supports customization for the Header icons allowing you to provide your own icons.
  • Web Client can now be accessed from outside the OT network via a reverse proxy.
  • Web Client is now integrated with AVEVA Identity Manager providing an additional authentication method.
  • Web Client now supports runtime language switching.
  • InTouch Local Tags can be utilized in Web Client to provide per-user memory tags.
  • Web client now supports the InTouch SQL Data Grid client control.
  • Significant improvements in the performance and availability.

New Features in Historian 2020 R2

Declarative Engineering Unit Conversion

Support for UOM conversion during retrieval, new Engineering Units Catalog added to SMC.

Enhanced Excel add-in

Support for Excel custom functions, UOM conversion, periodic numeric retrieval supports event based time slicing.

AVEVA Historian Client Web (previously known as Historian Insight)

Support for UOM conversion, new alarm grid page.

Tag Extended Property Administration

SMC supports adding/editing/deleting tag extended properties.

Volume Shadow Copy Aware Backups

Support for Microsoft Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS), enabling consistent backups without shutting down the Historian.

High-Latency Network Support

Replication supports high-latency networks.

New Features in Historian Client 2020 R2

Trend supports UOM conversion

Web Help Display and Video Playback

Web Help – Browser-based User Assistance

Web help components have been delivered in this release. Web help opens in the default browser on your local computer. Help displayed in a browser allows more dynamic and searchable user assistance including standard web browser navigation and tutorial videos.

Typically, help content is installed on your local machine as part of the documentation library, and displays in your browser without requiring an Internet connection. When you install the Application Server IDE, a link to the AVEVA OMI Web Help is added to the Windows start menu. To open the help, use one of the following methods (depending on the editor/UI you are using):

  • Press F1 from the ViewApp editor, Screen Profile editor, or Layout editor.
  • From the System Platform IDE, select a Layout, ViewApp, Screen Profile, AVEVA OMI app, or External Content object and:
    • press Ctrl+F1, or
    • right-click, then select Help from the short-cut menu.
  • To open AVEVA OMI help from its installed location:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\ArchestrA\Framework\Docs\1033\NGX\index.htm

  • To open AVEVA OMI help from the start menu, go to:

    Start > AVEVA Documentation > AVEVA OMI Help

Browser Requirements and Recommendations

Internet Explorer is recommended.

  • Microsoft Edge will not load help content, unless you use the “Open with Internet Explorer” option in the Edge browser.
  • Chrome and Chromium-based browsers, such as Vivaldi, will not load help content unless you install and use an IE-rendering extension (for example, IE Tab).

Browser Permissions for Displaying Web Help

Each browser and Windows operating system combination has its own security permissions. Using Internet Explorer as an example, you may see a dialog requesting that you “Allow blocked content” each time you invoke the web help. This dialog is triggered by the presence in the help system of JavaScript components that control internal navigation and topic display elements such as pop-up or in-place-expanding display blocks that contain text and graphical images. The text and image content is itself non-active.

You can accept each occurrence of this dialog, or you can set the following option in Internet Explorer, depending on your IT security requirements: In Internet Options, click the Advanced tab, then navigate to the Security section. Enable the “Allow active content to run in files on My Computer.” Permissions and security settings will vary depending on your specific browser.

Playback of Tutorial Videos

The web help may contain a number of brief tutorial videos. To play these videos, you must have Microsoft Media Player installed on your local machine. In Windows Server operating systems, you must enable the “Desktop Experience” feature using Server Manager.

Internet Explorer (or IE-rendering in other browsers) may be required for viewing video content. If using a browser other than Internet Explorer without IE rendering enabled, videos may not be visible.


The AVEVA OMI Software Developer Kit (SDK) provides programmatic access to component APIs and namespaces. Using the methods and properties that these provide, you can build your own custom AVEVA OM applications. Users can then add these custom apps to their ViewApps, the same way that they can add the AVEVA OMI apps that are included with Application Server.

When you install the Application Server IDE, the AVEVA OMI SDK is automatically installed, including samples and libraries. A link to the AVEVA OMI SDK Web Help is added to the Windows start menu. The browser requirements and recommendations that apply to System Platform Web Help also apply to the SDK help.

  • The default installed location of the SDK is:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\ArchestrA\Framework\AcfSdk

  • To open the SDK help from its installed location, go to:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\ArchestrA\Framework\Docs\1033\OMISDKHelp\index.html

  • To open the SDK help from the start menu, go to:

    Start > AVEVA Documentation > AVEVA OMI SDK Help

3 thoughts on “System Platform 2020 R2 Released

  1. Google Chrome 99.0.4844.74 Google Chrome 99.0.4844.74 Windows 10 x64 Edition Windows 10 x64 Edition
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.74 Safari/537.36

    I have a project with Wonderware v20.
    I have set up files but no license.
    As I see you providing a limited period license.
    how I can be sure it will work?

    1. Google Chrome Google Chrome Windows 7 x64 Edition Windows 7 x64 Edition
      Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

      Hola, sí consigió la licencia temporal?

      1. Firefox 107.0 Firefox 107.0 Windows 10 x64 Edition Windows 10 x64 Edition
        Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:107.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/107.0

        Nope, no temp license for 2017 and later.

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