AVEVA™ Application Server and OMI 2023 R2 Patch 01 Readme

This document contains important information about AVEVA Application Server and AVEVA Operations Management Interface (OMI) 2023 R2 Patch 01. The Readme file for Application Server 2023 R2 is included below, following the Patch 01 Known Issues.

Applying Application Server and AVEVA OMI 2023 R2 Patch 01

Apply this patch only to nodes running Application Server 2023 R2 (version 23.1.000). You can check the version number of Application Server in the Control Panel by selecting Programs and Features. Applying this patch changes the Application Server version to 23.1.001.


This patch must be installed on all Application Server nodes. On nodes where both Application Server and InTouch are installed, you must install Application Server 2023 R2 Patch 01 and InTouch 2023 R2 Patch 01 in order for them to coexist.

This patch can only be applied to Application Server 2023 R2. It cannot be applied to any other version.

Before installing the patch, make sure you have created known good backups of all installed Galaxies. To back up your Galaxy:

  1. Open the Operations Control Management Console (OCMC).
  2. Expand Galaxy Database Manager and select the Galaxy.
  3. On the Action menu, click Backup. Follow the prompts to complete the backup operation for each Galaxy.

If the System Platform IDE connects to the Galaxy Repository on another computer, apply Patch 01 to both nodes. A remote connection between the IDE and the Galaxy Repository fails if the nodes are at different versions of Application Server.

As a general workflow, patch the Galaxy Repository (GR) node first, followed by the run-time nodes.

  • Before running the patch installer, you must undeploy the platform or stop the platform from Platform Manager in the OCMC. If you will just stop the platform, not undeploy it, you must first undeploy any WebViewEngines hosted on the platform.
  • Exit all applications, including the System Platform IDE, AVEVA OMI ViewApps, the AVEVA OMI Application Manager, InTouch WindowMaker, and/or InTouch WindowViewer, if installed and running.

    IMPORTANT: When you reboot a platform, you must set each engine OnScan. Failing to set engines OnScan can result in reference resolution issues.

  • Before applying Patch 01 on the GR node, disconnect any active remote IDE sessions. All System Platform-related processes must be shut down before you apply the patch, and a reboot may be required after it is applied.

For complete installation instructions for the patch, please see the System Platform Patch Installation Guide.

Improvements to the OMI web client

When it was first released as part of System Platform 2023 R2, the OMI web client had several areas where its functionality did not match that of the OMI desktop viewing client. While some of those areas remain, the following parity issues have been resolved in this patch release:

  • The web client proxy server no longer needs to run on the default HTTPS port of 443. You can set the port for the proxy server by using the Configurator on the System Management Server:
    1. In the Configurator, go to Common PlatformSystem Management Server, and select Advanced.
    2. Select the Ports tab and enter the desired HTTPS Port number.Select OK.
    3. Go to AVEVA System Platform, then Identity Manager Registration. Select Configure.

      Important: The Identity Manager Registration option will not show that it needs to be configured. You must reconfigure it anyway.

    4. Select Close.
  • Tooltips on graphic elements near the bottom of the web client window are no longer cut off.
  • The Slider animation is now supported.
  • The HistoricalTrendApp now supports the Follow Current Context property.
  • The HistoricalTrendApp and the Trend Pen graphic element can now retrieve data from multiple Historian servers.
  • Outlines now correctly surround the elements they are applied to.
  • The NavTreeApp can now display alarm adorners.
  • For security reasons, by default, you can no longer place the OMI web client in an iFrame. If you want to display the web client in an iFrame, see “Placing the Web Client in an iFrame” in the OMI online help.
  • When you set a web client page as a browser favorite or bookmark, it now shows a special icon in the tab title.

Resolved issues — Application Server 2023 R2 Patch 01

This table lists Application Server issues resolved by Patch 01. For resolved AVEVA OMI issues, see Resolved Issues — AVEVA OMI 2023 R2 Patch 01. Some issues that have been fixed in this release may not be listed.

Original Issue

Related Issues

Case/SR Number


IMS 2985894


When using the warm redundancy option, the aaCALWrap.exe process consumed a great deal of memory.

IMS 3018396


In some cases, after failover from the primary server to the backup server, some shelved alarms did not show in the shelved alarm list. The status of these alarms was still “shelved,” they just did not appear when listing shelved alarms.

IMS 3023716


In a Multi-Galaxy configuration, the warning message Asb.Configuration SystemAuthenticationService.GetServiceBusPlatformConfiguration : Error occurred while communicating with database… was logged continuously on the GR node. This happened because the passphrase solution could not be found.

IMS 3039913


When System Platform was installed in a non-default location, such as on the D: drive, deploying WinPlatforms caused errors and warnings in the log and the platforms were not available in the OCMC Platform Manager.

IMS 3040483


Importing objects via a package (.aaPKG) file incremented the objects’ versions by two steps.

IMS 3046335


Alarms which did not return to normal for a very long time (approximately one month) appeared in Historian with a negative duration.

IMS 3067809


Improved performance when deleting objects.

IMS 3081734


Objects that were set to Scan on Demand were not always added to the list for OI Server. As a result, these items were sometimes not scanned.

IMS 3109688


GRAccess could not write to any attribute that had a description field. Therefore, it could not create any object that contained any attribute with a description field.

IMS 3166242


In a warm redundancy configuration, after failover occurred, the EngineObjects[] attribute no longer contained a list of deployed objects.

IMS 3198388


When deploying an OMI ViewApp that included object wizards, the PCS Framework used more than 90% of the server’s CPU.

IMS 3201271


If a galaxy was backed up using the Operations Control Management Console (OCMC), then a new galaxy was created from the backup, you could no longer connect to the original galaxy.

IMS 3242289


Collecting diagnostic information using the default configuration could create an unlimited number of files in the ArchestrA temp folder.

IMS 3259264


If an exported CSV file contains two objects which have attributes with the same name but different types (for example, one is Boolean and the other is a string), trying to import the CSV file fails with an error message.

IMS 3260947


Low priority alarms were being historized even though the galaxy was configured not to do so.

IMS 3261424


If you created an instance from a master template, then changed the default settings for an object wizard in the master template, you could not edit the instance or export it to a CSV file.

IMS 3264570


If the input source and output destination for an attribute associated with an object wizard were different, the output destination was set to — if a change was made to the object template. This occurred even if the attribute was created in the object instance and did not exist in the template.

IMS 3270224


Importing a package file containing a graphic with multiple client controls which used the same dependent DLLs failed.

IMS 3270262


With multiple people using the IDE at the same time, the aaGR service crashed every 15 to 25 minutes.

IMS 3270629



Enabling the System Management Server slows down log in to OMI ViewApps at runtime.

IMS 3278545


Longer than expected time to failover from one server to another caused unacceptably long gaps in historized data.

IMS 3279907


There was a small memory leak in the module aaGlobalDataCacheMonitorSrv. Eventually, this caused the following warning to be written to the log repeatedly: Warning GlobalDataDistributionClientRuntime Synchronizing local data cache with global data repository has failed for 20 consecutive times. As the memory leak was very small, it could take several months before this warning appeared.

IMS 3281737


Post-upgrade from System Platform 2023 P02 to System Platform 2023 R2, AVEVA.IOMBLS.ServiceHost.exe caused memory leak and then stopped responding.

IMS 3282637


When using the Assign to option to assign an object to an area, typing in the list box the on the dialog did not move the list to match your entry.

IMS 3293455


Validating a large object sometimes caused a System.OutOfMemoryException and could cause the IDE to crash. For example, this could happen when migrating a galaxy that contained large objects.

IMS 3303557


The I/O Mapping view showed attributes for an instance even if those attributes were excluded by object wizard choices.

IMS 3318750


Closing and reopening the IDE caused deployed VIewApps to incorrectly show that they needed to be redeployed, even though they had not changed.

IMS 3324307


Checking in changes to a template and propagating the changes to its children could take hours and then fail, even though the IDE showed that it had completed successfully. When this occurred, the template remained checked out and error messages were written to the logger, starting with something like: Error WWCdi Error 80040E14: Description ‘Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘PK__#trimatt__38174EC39114E2BF’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘dbo.#trimattr’. The duplicate key value is (512616, 1041602300). Line:308, Store proc:internal_ow_streamline_dynamic_a appeared

Resolved issues — AVEVA OMI 2023 R2 Patch 01

This table lists AVEVA OMI issues resolved by Patch 01. For resolved Application Server issues, see Resolved Issues — Application Server 2023 R2 Patch 01. Some issues that have been fixed in this release may not be listed.

Original Issue

Related Issues

Case/SR Number


IMS 839617


If you performed these steps:

  1. Created a layout and exported it to a package (.aaPKG) file.
  2. Imported the package file to a galaxy that used a different regional setting–for example, if the original GR node was set to Dutch(Belgium) and the new GR node was set to English.
  3. Tried to open the layout in the IDE.

    The layout would not open and you would see a message similar to this in the log: System: 221; 0; 0; 0 is not a valid value for Int32.

IMS 2507960


Faceplate popup graphics opened using ShowGraphic appeared at the top-right corner of the window instead of in the center.

IMS 2623094


Certain OMI ViewApps would sometimes freeze for five to ten seconds while a user was browsing object attributes.

IMS 2865278


When using Multi-Galaxy Communication, running an OMI ViewApp that retrieved data from another galaxy failed if Remote Desktop Services was installed and enabled on the node where the ViewApp was running. A warning was written to the log.

IMS 3023269


If more than 30 users were connected to OMI using RDP sessions, the following warning messsage was logged when a user closed an application: Release of global semaphore for the view application <app_name> failed. Deploy/undeploy operation may be blocked.

IMS 3031945


Addressed issues with tooltip text wrapping and combo box size when viewing OMI VIewApps in the OMI web client.

IMS 3032032


In the OMI web client, when interaction animation was applied to both an outer object and an inner object, the animation for the outer object overlapped the animation for the inner object. This could make it impossible to select the inner object.

IMS 3037177


Changing the background color for the ScreenCaptureAndPrint App at design time did not change the color when the ViewApp was opened in runtime.

IMS 3040067


When opening a faceplate graphic in a popup in the OMI web client, the popup window included a minimize button.

IMS 3046276


Changes made to graphics contained in a ViewApp were not always reflected at runtime after the ViewApp was redeployed.

IMS 3060440


After migrating a galaxy from 2023 Patch 02 to 2023R2, an exception could occur when previewing a ViewApp. A warning was written to the logger:

IMS 3060445


Content displayed through the ShowContent script in a tabbed multi-content layout pane with autofill enabled was not cleared when you changed the navigation node.

IMS 3061706


When a custom property was assigned with System.DateTime.Now and the SetCustomPropertyValue script was simultaneously called on the same custom property, it caused a memory leak. Eventually, this caused the viewer to crash with a SystemOutOfMemoryException error.

IMS 3199437


Switching between navigation items in the NavTree app in a ViewApp could caused the ollowing message in the log: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

Known issues in 2023 R2 Patch 01

This section describes known issues that remain in Application Server and AVEVA OMI 2023 R2 Patch 01.

Issue Number


IMS 2918856

Note: This is an update to information found in the System Platform 2023R2 Readme file.

If the Trend Pen graphic element and the HistoricalTrendApp OMI ViewApp cannot retrieve historical data in the OMI web client, the reason may be that the Historian Server node name and port are not set in the AppSettings.json file on the node hosting the WebViewEngine. Unless the Historian Server is on the same node as the WebViewEngine, you must define the Historian Server system name and port number in AppSettings.json. Follow the procedure below.

IMPORTANT: You must follow these steps even if you already did so before installing the patch. Because we have added support for multiple Historian Servers to the web client, the format of the AppSettings.json file is changed in Patch 01. An AppSettings.json file from the 2023R2 release will not work with 2023R2 Patch 01.

For your reference, the patch installation makes a copy of the existing AppSettings.json file with a .bak extension. Do not just rename or copy this file for use with Patch 01. Because of the file format change, it will not work.

  1. On the node hosting the WebViewEngine, make a copy of the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArchestrA\Services\proxyserver\appsettings.json for safekeeping. Then, open the original file in a text editor.
  2. Find this section in the file:

    //”history-data-{serverName}“: {

    //  “clusterId”: “history-data-{serverName}“,

    //  “CorsPolicy”: “customPolicy”,

    //  “Match”: {

    //    “Path”: “/history-data/{serverName}/{**catch-all}”

    //  },

    //  “Transforms”: [

    //    {

    //      “PathRemovePrefix”: “/history-data/{serverName}

    //    }

    //  ]


    //”history-data-{serverName}“: {

    //  “HttpClient”: {

    //    “DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificate”: “true”

    //  },

    //  “HttpRequest”: {

    //    “Version”: “1.1”,

    //    “VersionPolicy”: “RequestVersionExact”

    //  },

    //  “Destinations”: {

    //    “destination1”: {

    //      “Address”: “[https://https://{serverName}:32573/”

    //    }

    //  },

    //  “UseDefaultCredentials”: “true”


  3. Make two changes to this section:
    1. Uncomment the section by removing the // at the beginning of each line.
    2. Change each instance of {servername} to the server name of the Historian Server node. There are six, shown in bold in the sample above.
  4. If you want to define more than one Historian Server so that users can choose the one they want at runtime, copy this section and change the server name to the one for the additional Historian. Repeat this as needed.
  5. Save your changes and close the file.

Note: This is only one possible cause of failure for the HistoricalTrendApp and the Trend Pen element in the OMI web client. It may also be due to a security certificate issue. See the description of IMS 2918856 in the “AVEVA OMI Issues” section of the System Platform 2023 R2 Readme file for more information and the workaround steps for the security certificate issue.

IMS 3057574

Changes made to an element style (for example, adding an animation or changing the line color) are not reflected when an OMI ViewApp is opened with the web client, even if the ViewApp is redeployed, The changes do appear in the desktop client.

Workaround: Undeploy and redeploy the OMI VIewApp.

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