Wonderware Application Server 2014R2 (v4.1) SP1

Last revision: 01/29/2016

About This Readme

This Readme provides information about important resolved and known issues for Wonderware® Application Server 2014R2 (v4.1) Service Pack 1.

For information about new features, hardware and software requirements, product compatibility, installation and upgrades, and user documentation, see the Wonderware® System Platform Readme, which is located in the root folder of the Wonderware System Platform installation media.

Readme files from previous releases of Wonderware Application Server are posted to the Global Customer Support (GCS) Product Hub. You must log in to access the GCS Product Hub.

Resolved Issues

Known Issues

Documentation Issues


Resolved Issues

This section describes important resolved issues. The following list is not a comprehensive list of all resolved issues.

Original Change Request Related Change Requests Description
L00135188 L00134995 SR 49410040: “Everyone” share permissions could not be permanently removed from some ArchestrA share names.
L00135952 L00137532
SR 43110530: Administrator group share permissions could not be permanently removed from some ArchestrA folders.
L00136075 SR 103134011: Changes to state label strings for True/False in Application Server for a Discrete Field Attribute were not updated in Historian. For example, if the state labels were changed to On/Off, Historian continued to use True/False.
L00136467 SR 39911155: All redundant engines were not viewable in the Object Viewer (all could be viewed in Platform Manager).
L00136547 L00133350 SR 49410040; SR 43110530: Elevated user privileges were required to access RW/RO folders.
L00136848 L00131630 SR 103135125: The Field Attribute output value was not written to PLC after modifying the Field Attribute, but was written directly from the associated attribute of the SIDirect object.
L00136867 SR 15618526; SR 15618855: A delay of about 20 seconds could occur before a run-time reference was updated.
L00136918 SR 48910573: Memory usage by WindowViewer gradually increased because of unresolved references.
L00136995 L00134677 SR 48910742; 51510460: Platform deployment did not succeed while upgrading due to an issue with the bootstrap service.
L00137122 SR 103135362; SR 103135780: When the History feature was enabled in a parent template, under certain circumstances, the History feature would be lost in a derived object when changes unrelated to History were made in a higher level template.
L00137148 L00134970 SR 52310582: A warning state persisted for InTouchViewApp instances after all references were resolved.
L00137185 SR 15317595; SR 40710064; SR 103135777; SR 103136508: Moving entries from one topic to another in the IDE IO Devices window resulted in the IDE running slowly.
L00137212 Options for skipping/not skipping migration of child objects resulted in the opposite action. That is, when the option to skip child objects was selected, all objects were migrated (i.e., they were not skipped). When the option not to skip was selected (i.e., all child objects should be migrated), child objects were not migrated.
L00137355 SR 37113905: Capitalization of letters in item references was lost when the referenced objects were on different AppEngines.
L00137398 SR 41010153: aaGR crashed while deploying objects.
L00137429 SR 24413035: When set from the GRAccess toolkit, the EngUnit property in ConfigurableAttributes caused a COM exception message. The EngUnit field in the IDE would remain empty, even after setting the value in GRAccess.
L00137509 SR 22210222: When inherited scripts in an unprotected template derived from a protected template were unlocked and edited, the scripts were no longer visible after being locked and checked in.
L00137522 SR 43110531: The aaGR service would sometimes fail when importing validating objects.
L00137572 L00134682 SR 24516625: Attribute descriptions were not displayed for OPR Events after “Write Success -” was indicated.
L00137755 SR 52410724: Asynchronous scripts sometimes remained in the busy state, even after the script had finished executing.
L00137846 SR 45110583: The Application Server checkpointing mechanism created excessive read/write requests to the hard disk.
L00137899 SR 20114904: Items on a linked Allen-Bradley PLC sometimes did not respond when a poke was sent from Recipe Manager via the DDESuiteLink Client.
L00137902 SR 54810080: During a migration of Application Server, SQL Server incurred high CPU usage.
L00137936 SR 51310799: The behavior of OPCClient object attributes RestartMax and RestartPeriod was incorrectly described in the object help file.
L00137941 SR 103136304: When an I/O attribute was added to an object that was already assigned to a topic, the object lost its prior I/O assignment to the topic in the IO Devices view.
L00138101 SR 49010047: In Object Viewer, the attribute “Engine.Objects[]” was not populated when the host was restarted.
L00138241 L00138366
SR 12613478; SR 49010040; SR 52310850; SR 54410124; SR 103134125: Application Server objects were quarantined, and error messages were sent to the SMC logger stating that alarm aggregation and write attempts to the common primitive from the scheduler failed.
L00138324 SR 103136208: A Discrete Field Attributes configured for Alarm with the Buffered option selected continued to show an alarm border even after the alarm was acknowledged and returned to normal.
L00138361 SR 10917354: An unacknowledged alarm return (UNACK_RTN: attribute name, “TimeAlarmOff”) was erroneously timestamped with a date/time prior to the unacknowledged alarm (UNACK_ALM: attribute name, “TimeAlarmOn”) that it was returning.
L00138519 SR 51010617: The documentation for periodic script run time behavior did not mention that the script executes immediately after the object containing the script goes on scan.
L00138585 SR 40217591: Alarms and events were not logging from a particular engine.
L00138675 L00138308 SR 12613475; SR 103136765: The quality status of a Boolean attribute remained as “initializing” in the Object Viewer when ACM was turned on, the attribute was linked to an external data source that was not updating, and the attribute was set to buffered.
L00138777 SR 52311386: Windows password was exposed in the SMC log when using OS Group security.
L00139468 L00139324 SR 103137542: On migration from 2014 R2 P01, renaming a Field Attribute in a template resulted in orphaned attributes which were shown as derived and could not be deleted.

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Known Issues

This section describes known issues that remain in Wonderware Application Server 2014R2 SP1 (version 4.1.12).

L00123504: Unexpected and misleading errors can appear in the logger while migrating particularly large galaxies because the transaction log for the galaxy database has reached its maximum allocated size.

Example error: “Error 80040E2F: Description ‘Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘PK__#0489BFA__6B888F1106720818’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘dbo.@checked_in_non_relative_unbound_elements_to_bind’. The duplicate key value is (15767, 25329, 420, 1),'”.

Example error: “Query returned more than one row”.

You can do the following steps to remove restrictions on the size of the galaxy database transaction log:

  1. Scan windows events (in the Event Viewer) for evidence that the transaction log is in fact full.
  2. If you confirm that the transaction log has exceeded size restrictions, do the following to remove the restriction:
    1. In SQL Server Management Studio, right click the galaxy database, then click Properties on the context menu.
    2. In the Database Properties dialog, select the Files page.
    3. Locate Log … in the File Type column, then click the ellipsis (…) button in the Autogrowth column on the same line.
    4. In the Change Autogrowth for Base_Application_Server_log dialog, click the Unrestricted File Growth radio button under the Maximum File Size parameter. Click OK.
  3. Complete the galaxy migration, then repeat these steps to reinstate a file size ceiling on the transaction log.
L00128537: When pairing Galaxies in an environment with a case-sensitive SQL Server installation, the Cross-Galaxy Server Primary node name may not automatically populate on the remote machine.Workaround: Manually enter the Primary node name or IP address in the text box on the remote machine.
L00129132: Application Server does not support the FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) security policy option in Microsoft Windows. If your system has FIPS enabled, you should disable it. The security setting for FIPS is listed under Security Settings> Local Policies> Security Options> System cryptography, or as part of Group Policy.
L00131542: The status of the OPC Client Proxy block read connection is different in Object Viewer than in Log Viewer. After deploying an OPC client proxy object, the script attempts a block read, which results in the following error in the Log Viewer: “aaBlockReadRuntime2 – Read Transactions are not allowed if the object is in Disconnected State,” even though the connection status of the OCP client proxy in Object Viewer shows it is connected.
L00132251: SR 103131984: The EngineFailureTimeout attribute displays as 10000 ms in the AppEngine object editor but consistently displays as 30000 ms after deploying the AppEngine object. This occurs because the Application Server run time overrides any value less than 30000.
L00132965: If a Galaxy includes certain EOM related templates, the Galaxy migration operation will fail. Ensure that these objects (both templates and instances) are removed from the Galaxy before upgrading the software. These objects are no longer supported and will not allow the Galaxy to migrate. Remove the following templates, along with any derived templates and instances:

$FormulaManager $MaterialMovedActual $EquipmentActual $MaterialConsumableActual
$MaterialConsumedActual $MaterialProducedActual $PersonnelActual $ProductionData
L00133194: Importing a FieldReference package exported from Application Server 3.1 SP2 P01 to a Galaxy created under Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2 with the <FieldReference>.PV.LogDataChangeEvent attribute value set to True will trigger a software error message.

To avoid this issue, first import the most recent FieldReference package into the new Galaxy, and then import the exported package. The FieldReference package path is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\ArchestrA\Framework\Bin\FieldReference.aaPKG

L00134029: Importing an aaPKG from Wonderware Application Server 2014 to Wonderware Application Server 2014 R2 that has already been imported once, updated on the older version, then re-imported to the newer version, does not update any UDA History descriptions that might have been configured on the older version. As a workaround, you can delete the object instance on the newer version machine, then re-import. The updated attributes will then appear in the Galaxy on the newer version of Application Server.
L00134193: Under certain circumstances, you may receive an error message when using I/O auto assignment and you press the Validate References button in the IO Device Mapping view. This can happen if the IDE is running on a deployed remote platform. Instead of validating the references, the error message “Please deploy the platform object to validate the references” is displayed, even though the local and remote platforms are deployed.

Workaround: Restart the IDE on the remote platform and then validate the references again.

L00134322: The ASBGRBrowsing service is used for browsing objects and attributes on the local Galaxy, as well as for browsing in multi-galaxy environments. If you undeploy the ASBGRBrowsing service, browsing in the local Galaxy will result in error messages.
L00134383: When a saved script is renamed in the Object Editor, the script’s contents appear to have been removed and the script editor is grayed-out. As a workaround, save and close the object, then reopen it. The script’s contents will once again be displayed in the editor.
L00134390: When an existing Galaxy created from Base_InTouch.cab is migrated to Wonderware System Platform 2014 R2, $Sequencer and $SQLData objects are created that did not exist in the non-migrated Galaxy. As a workaround, manually delete the added objects from the migrated Galaxy.
L00134493: OPCClient DI objects have a naming limitation when used with the I/O assignment feature. I/O auto assignment uses the syntax <DI Object.ScanGroup>.<Field Reference>. However, to fulfill the OPC hierarchical path, a port and device must also be specified; for example, <DI Object.ScanGroup>.<PortName>.<DeviceName>.<Field Reference>.

Workaround: Use the Object.Attribute Override column in the IO Device Mapping view to add additional OPC parameters to field references. Manually adding these parameters in the Object.Attribute Override column will result in a fully qualified I/O reference which includes all required parameters. If bulk edits are required, you can copy and paste between the IO Device Mapping view and Microsoft Excel. Refer to Application Server User’s Guide for important information about editing I/O references in Excel. Note the caution about sorting references while editing.

L00138642: Attempts to pair two nodes (multi-Galaxy pairing) failed on two Galaxies, upgraded from Baktun, which were not previously paired. Errors and Warnings are logged while configuring the MGC after upgrade from Baktun PO3 to Apollo R2 SP1.

Workaround: Restart the watchdog service if errors are logged after launching the Multi Galaxy Configuration window (Galaxy > Configure > Multi-Galaxy).

L00138741: SR 51610008: Changes to a DI Object Template’s attributes are not reflected in the Galaxy Browser.
L00138831: SR 103136837: Items configured using the IO auto assignment feature in Application Server are not counted in the license information.
L00139108: SR 48910970: The feature pane for the Attributes tab does not appear.

Workaround: Expand and collapse the Filter pane. This may enable display of the Attributes tab’s feature pane.

L00139257: A warning message “Galaxy Restore: SQL Exception: 80043C32: Description ‘[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] [SQL Server] The user or role’ NT AUTHORITY \ SYSTEM ‘does not exist in this database.'” is logged when creating a galaxy.

Reason and Workaround: You cannot restore a Galaxy to a language locale that that differs from that of the Galaxy’s origin. For example, if a Galaxy is created using a computer configured for English (language locale 1033), it cannot be restored using a computer configured for German (language locale 1031). You must use the same language locales when moving Galaxies, and objects within Galaxies, to different computers.

L00139425: Errors from the BRO may occur while upgrading a Galaxy Repository Node from Application Server 2014 R2 or 2014 R2 P01 to Application Server 2014 R2 SP1. These errors are related to the ViewEngine process and occur only during the upgrade process. There is no impact on functionality and the error messages can be safely ignored.Sample log error messages (these will be highlighted in red):
4003 12/14/2015 11:55:49 AM 6264 7256 Error BRO ViewEngine_001 - CBaseRuntimeObject::SystemSetAttribute - Caught unknown exception.
4004 12/14/2015 11:55:49 AM 6264 7256 Error BaseRuntimeComponentServer INVARIANT FAILED LINE 3910 FILE CBaseRuntimeObject.cpp LAST ERROR 0
4005 12/14/2015 11:55:49 AM 6264 7256 Error BRO ViewEngine_001 - CBaseRuntimeObject::BuildFullPrimitiveNames() - BuildName returned false
4006 12/14/2015 11:55:49 AM 6264 7256 Error BaseRuntimeComponentServer INVARIANT FAILED LINE 364 FILE CDeploymentPrimitive.cpp LAST ERROR 11001
4007 12/14/2015 11:55:49 AM 6264 7256 Error BaseRuntimeComponentServer INVALID HRESULT LINE 393 FILE CDeploymentPrimitive.cpp hResult 80001f40
4008 12/14/2015 11:55:49 AM 6264 7256 Error BaseRuntimeComponentServer INVALID HRESULT LINE 466 FILE CDeploymentPrimitive.cpp hResult 80001f40
4010 12/14/2015 11:55:49 AM 6264 7256 Error BaseRuntimeComponentServer INVARIANT FAILED LINE 692 FILE CBaseRuntimeObject.cpp LAST ERROR 11001
4011 12/14/2015 11:55:49 AM 6264 7256 Error BaseRuntimeComponentServer INVARIANT FAILED LINE 692 FILE CBaseRuntimeObject.cpp LAST ERROR 11001
4012 12/14/2015 11:55:49 AM 6264 7256 Error BaseRuntimeComponentServer INVARIANT FAILED LINE 692 FILE CBaseRuntimeObject.cpp LAST ERROR 11001
4013 12/14/2015 11:55:49 AM 6264 7256 Error BaseRuntimeComponentServer INVARIANT FAILED LINE 692 FILE CBaseRuntimeObject.cpp LAST ERROR 11001
4014 12/14/2015 11:55:49 AM 6264 7256 Error BaseRuntimeComponentServer INVARIANT FAILED LINE 692 FILE CBaseRuntimeObject.cpp LAST ERROR 11001
4015 12/14/2015 11:55:50 AM 6264 7256 Error ViewEngine_001.aaEngine Could not perform operation -- unexpected exception. Unexpected failure (8000ffff) caught at line 239 in FsEngine.cpp (in ).
4016 12/14/2015 11:55:50 AM 6264 7256 Error ViewEngine_001.aaEngine WinMain exiting error code 8000ffff
Workaround: No workaround is necessary. There is no loss of functionality either during the upgrade process, or after the upgrade process completes.
L00139461: SR 48911012: Spaces are not allowed in an attribute override even if they are between other characters (i.e. are neither leading nor trailing spaces).
L00139476: SR 103137996: Alarm messages for an attribute configured with a limit alarm and a bad value alarm do not appear in a Localization export of alarm messages.
L00139638: SR 54810118: SMC Logger displays error message “HRESULT hr 145” during Galaxy backup.

Workaround: No workaround is necessary. This issue does not affect functionality.

L00139639: When using Enhanced Security Mode (ESM), restoring a CAB file results in an unusable Galaxy if the BUILTIN\Administrators group has the sysadmin role.

Workaround: Log into SQL as a user with sysadmin privileges, and run the following script on the unusable Galaxy database. Replace the italicized text inside the angle brackets with the name of the restored Galaxy and with the database host name, respectively.

ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::<name-of-galaxy> TO [<db-server-host-name>\aaGalaxyOwner]

L00139652: When importing objects containg Field Attributes to Wonderware Application Server versions 2014R2 Patch 01 and 2014R2 Service Pack 1, and having three-level hierarchies (grandparent, parent, and child relationships) and overwriting objects having only two-level hierarchies (parent and child relationships), the following issues can occur:

  • Errors can appear in the Logger.
  • Field Attributes inherited from a parent derived template can display twice in an instance created from a child derived template.
  • Field Attributes inherited from a child derived template might not display in an instance.
  • Attributes inherited from both parent and child derived templates might not display in the Object Editor Attributes tab of an instance.
  • The Object Editor Attributes tab might not display any information.
  • New instances created from a derived child template can display these same issues.
L00139679: Bootstrap intermittently does not start on a Windows 7 32-bit remote node after upgrading Wonderware System Platform from version 2014 R2 to version 2014 R2 Service Pack 1. It has been observed that after restarting the remote node, Gdiplus.dll, a Windows system file, was missing from C:\Windows\System32. If you have a recent version of the Gdiplus.dll installed before upgrading, greater than version 6.1, this issue does not occur.

Workaround: After upgrading the run-time node on the 32-bit system, repair the installation again before redeploying the remote platform.

L00139830: MDT AutoSave for System Platform (A4SP) does not work if Wonderware Application Server is configured to run in “Enhanced Security Mode”. MDT A4SP version 3.0 still leverages SQL Server SysAdmin privileges. Support for this functionality will be added to A4SP version 3.01, with availability planned for the end of the first quarter of 2016. Please contact MDT Software for additional details at MDT Software Support.
L00139852: GRAccess does not support Enhanced Security Mode in the following scenarios:

  • Creating a Galaxy using a .cab file from a previous Application Server release.
  • Restoring a .cab created with a previous Application Server release.

We recommend not using GRAccess to perform these operations.

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Documentation Issues

The following table lists important documentation corrections.

Item Location of Change Existing Documentation Change
1 Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics User’s Guide (aaGraphics.pdf), Chapter 8: Setting Symbol and Element-Specific Properties, page 295.Note: The new information described here has been added to Archestra IDE Help (IDE.chm). It can be found in the section “Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics > Setting Symbol and Element-Specific Properties > Setting Number Formats by Regional Locales > Restrictions of Numeric Formatting by Regional Locale.” Addition to the French, German, Japanese, and Chinese versions of the Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics User’s Guide. Add the following subsection at the end of the section, “Restrictions of Numeric Formatting by Regional Locale.”Subsection Title: Double-byte Character Languages

Double-byte character languages like Chinese or Japanese provide narrow or wide character sets. The Windows default setting is to show narrow characters in Chinese or Japanese languages. The decimal point and digital grouping characters can be shown with a narrow double-byte character set. However, the comma or period characters cannot be shown with a wide double-byte character set.

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© 2015 Schneider Electric Software, LLC. All rights reserved.

One thought on “Wonderware Application Server 2014R2 (v4.1) SP1

  1. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

    For example, if the state labels were changed to On/Off, Historian continued to use True/False. Where did you get this information?

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