Alarm/Event Package for System platform

Wonderware Finland solutions for alarm/event management extend the Wonderware Alarm System with new functions, features and capabilities. Improved handling of alarms and events greatly increases the performance, capabilities and reliability of data processing for applications running in Wonderware System Platform environment.

Wonderware Finland solutions for alarm/event management are built to extend the today existing Wonderware standard alarm functionality with new features, still using the standard Wonderware Alarm System. New features include advanced alarm filtering, no loss of short time and fluctuating alarms, support for mimic and shelved alarms, possibilities to use and modify the user defined fields and event priority fields, logging and archiving alarms/events to different data bases, reduction of alarms,interface with external alarm management systems (UReason), and many other.

Wonderware Finland solutions for alarm/event management are provided as Alarm Extension Pack package, including the following components:

Alarm Gateway Object is the basic component of Alarm Extension Pack, providing Wonderware Alarm Provider / Alarm Consumer functionality for processing alarms/events coming from/to Wonderware Application Server and/or other Alarm Providers and Alarm Consumers compatible with Wonderware Alarm System. Supports advanced alarm filtering, mimic and shelved alarms, possibilities to use and modify the user defined fields and event priority fields. Avoids alarm loss and duplicated alarms in high loaded systems. Supports functionality to send/receive alarms to/from Wonderware alarming system from/to UReason Alarm Management system. The Alarm Gateway Object is developed by using Wonderware Distributed Alarm Toolkit.

Alarm DB Logger Object for storing alarms/events into SQL database for alarms/events coming from Wonderware Application Server and/or other Alarm Providers compatible with Wonderware Alarm System. The Alarm DB Logger Object is developed by using Wonderware Distributed Alarm Toolkit.

Alarm Converter Object for customizable converting the Wonderware or custom alarm/event databases to unlimited size external lifetime storage databases.

Alarm Archiver Object provides the functionality for long-term storage in archiving station the custom alarm databases created by Alarm Converter Object. The data in the final storage are split into several databases to increase the performance and keep the optimal size of databases.

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