Multi-Language Script Functions for TrueType Fonts

Included here are six InTouch script functions:

  • MLDialogValueEntry() and MLDialogValueEntryEx()
  • MLNoKeyDialogValueEntry() and MLNoKeyDialogValueEntryEx()
  • MLNoKeyDialogStringEntry() and MLNoKeyDialogStringEntryEx()

Together, these six functions work like DialogValueEntry(), but they allow you to change the System font into any TrueType fonts for any font size.
Note The scriptfunctions with the extension “Ex” enable the user to define the screenposition of the dialog, which is very comfortable for multiscreen applications!

Included with the script functions is a LanguageSetting program file that works with the above mentioned script functions. With the LanguageSetting program, you can generate language-independent text output if you select your font. This is especially useful for double-byte characters for other languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

Installing the Multi-Language Script Function Files

  1. Download the file from the Wonderware Knowledge Base.
  2. If you had a previous installed version of these functions, delete the files, Wwvalent.dll, Wwvalent.wdf, Wwvalent.hlp and, if it exists, Wwvalent.gid from your InTouch installation directory.
  3. Unzip the file that you downloaded and copy the files, Wwmlent.dll, Wwmlent.wdf and Wwmlent.hlp, to your InTouch installation directory.
  4. Edit the Win.ini file and delete the section [WWValEnt].
  5. Copy the LanguageSetting program executable, Languagesetting.exe, along with its help file, Languagesetting.hlp, to a separate directory.

Using the Script Functions and LanguageSetting Program

Note Complete documentation on the six Multi-Language script functions is provided in the online help file, Wwmlent.hlp, which is installed with the script function files. Also, instructions on using the LanguageSetting program are provided in the online help file, LanguageSetting.hlp.

Start up the LanguageSetting program by double-clicking the LanguageSetting.exe file. The Language Setting dialog box will appear:

Select the desired font for your InTouch application (example, TSC Ffangsong S TT). Save the font selection by clicking the OK button.

Include the new dialog boxes in your InTouch application by executing the desired Multi-Language script functions again. To display the output in double-byte characters, fill in the text fields with the necessary symbols by using a tool such as TwinBridge® Chinese Partner for Windows NT.


The new version contains the InTouch script WWMLVal for
MLDialogValueEntry, MLNoKeyDialogValueEntry, MLNoKeyDialogStringValue.
The program LanguageSetting changes the font for all these dialogboxes.
The following steps are necessary for using this new capabilities:

WWVALENT.GID from your InTouch root directory.

to your InTouch root directory.

3. Delete section [WWValEnt] from your WIN.INI file

to a separate directory.

5. Run LANGUAGESETTING.EXE and choose your font (e.g. TSC FFangsong S TT)
for your current InTouch application. Save this setting by using the “Ok” button.

6. Include the new dialogboxes in your InTouch application by writing these functions again.
To show the chinese text outputs fill the text fields with the necessary symbols.
This can be done by using a tool (e.g. TwinBridge Chinese Partner for NT).

7. Test your application.

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