System Platform 2020 R2 Patch 01 Released

AVEVA™ System Platform, formerly Wonderware – Version 2020 R2 Patch 01 Readme

Included in This Release

This document contains important information about AVEVA™ System Platform 2020 R2 Patch 01, which includes the products listed below. The Readme for System Platform 2020 R2 follows the patch information.

Program Name


AVEVA Application Server 2020 R2 P01


AVEVA Historian 2020 R2 P01


AVEVA Historian Client 2020 R2 P01


AVEVA InTouch HMI 2020 R2 P01


Review the individual product Readme files for details regarding product-specific known and resolved issues. When you extract the patch installation files, the product Readme files are extracted to individual folders. The Readme files are also posted on the AVEVA Global Customer Support (GCS) website. Readme files from previous releases of System Platform and its component products are also posted on the AVEVA Global Customer Support (GCS) website, along with additional technical information about System Platform. For the latest updates related to supported operating systems and databases, see the GCS Technology Matrix.

About This Patch Release

Changelog: System Platform 2020 R2 Patch 01

Change Description

Miscellaneous bug fixes. See the individual product Readme files for details.

Incorporate hot fixes – all products. See the individual product Readme files for details.

Security Improvements

This release of AVEVA™ InTouch HMI 2020 R2 P01 provides security improvements for storage of sensitive information in memory, along with an increased robustness of application file parsers.

Supported System Platform Versions for Product Upgrade

This patch can be applied to System Platform 2020 R2 only.

Important! System Platform does not support mixed Windows workgroup/domain environments. As stated in the System Platform 2020 R2 Installation Guide, although workgroups are supported, domain-based networking is recommended. However, you cannot use workgroup nodes within a domain environment.

Important! AVEVA Enterprise License Manager Update Recommendation

This patch does not include the latest feature enhancements in AVEVA Enterprise License Manager. We recommend you download and install AVEVA Enterprise License Manager version 3.8 from AVEVA Global Customer Support.

Readme Files for Products Included in this Release

The extracted patch files include the Readme files for each individual component product. To access the product Readme files, start the Patch Manager utility and accept the license agreement, then click a patch name to open the Readme file for that product. Review the known and resolved issues contained in each file as applicable.

Resolved Issues

See the product-specific Readme files for issues resolved in this patch release.

Known Issues

Known issues are documented in the product-specific Readme files.

— End of Patch 01 Readme —

About this Patch Release

The System Platform 2020 R2 Patch 01 release resolves a number of issues, documented in each product Readme file.


  • Installation – Application Server 2020 R2 must be installed before you can install this patch.
  • Coexistence – Both Application Server and AVEVA™ InTouch HMI, formerly Wonderware, must be upgraded to version 2020 R2 Patch 01 if they are installed on the same node.

Applying Application Server 2020 R2 Patch 01

We recommend that you close any anti-virus programs running on the computer, and disable Windows Defender through group policy (gpedit.msc) before you update Application Server with Patch 01.

Apply this patch only to Application Server 2020 R2 (version 20.1.000). You can check the version number of Application Server in the Control Panel from Control Panel by selecting Programs and Features. Applying this patch changes the Application Server version to 20.1.001.


This patch must be installed on all Application Server nodes. On nodes where both Application Server and InTouch are installed, you must install Application Server 2020 R2 Patch 01 and InTouch 2020 R2 Patch 01 in order for them to coexist.

This patch can only be applied to Application Server 2020 R2. It cannot be applied to any other version.

Before installing the patch, make sure you have created known good backups of all installed Galaxies. To create a backup of your Galaxy:

  1. Access the Galaxy Database Manager in the System Platform Management (SMC) console.
  2. Expand the Galaxy Database Manager and select the Galaxy.
  3. On the Action menu, click Backup. Follow the prompts to complete the backup operation for each Galaxy.

If the System Platform IDE connects to the Galaxy Repository on another computer, apply Patch 01 to both nodes. A remote connection between the IDE and the Galaxy Repository fails if the nodes are at different versions of Application Server.

As a general workflow, patch the GR node first, followed by the run-time nodes.

  • Prior to running the patch installer, you must undeploy the platform or stop the platform from Platform Manager in the SMC. Exit all applications including the System Platform IDE, AVEVA OMI ViewApps, the AVEVA OMI Application Manager, and/or InTouch WindowMaker and InTouch WindowViewer, if installed and running.

    IMPORTANT: When you reboot a platform, you must set each engine OnScan. Failing to set engines OnScan can result in reference resolution issues.

  • Prior to applying Patch 01 on the GR node, check that any active remote IDE sessions are disconnected. Patch 01 requires that all System Platform-related processes are shut down and may require a reboot.

Application Server Resolved Issues – 2020 R2 Patch 01

Application Server issues resolved by Patch 01 are listed in this table. For OMI issues, see AVEVA™ OMI Resolved Issues – 2020 R2 Patch 01

Original Issue

Related Issues

Case/SR Number


IMS 566038


When an integer array from the OI Gateway was read as a comma separated string, the value displayed was different, depending on whether a DIObject or a Redundant DIObject was used.

IMS 587708


Checking in a template and propagating changes to 40 instances takes more than an hour to complete.

IMS 615274


The Textinput control did not respond as expected when used for filling in the fields of an AVEVA OMI app when the app was in a nested layout.

Note: This issue was previously fixed in the System Platform 2020 R2 release but not documented.

IMS 619288


When a connection from an OPC UA client to the Application Object Server was attempted, the connection failed.

IMS 637498

CR L00157773


After an AVEVA OMI ViewApp was deployed successively two or three times, the memory footprint of the IOMBLSService on the GR node increased excessively. As a result, the GR node had to be restarted.

IMS 651890


When an object that represented a pop-up window was modified, the result was a gray pop-up window.

Note: This issue was previously fixed in the System Platform 2020 R2 release but not documented.

IMS 696309


Application Server exhibited multiple issues, including timeouts during deployment, Industrial Graphics were not shown in a deployed InTouch Application, and IDE performance was slow.

IMS 728063


The deployed status of an InTouch application did not change after a graphic embedded in an object was modified.

IMS 740198


The keyboard combination to invoke the Flex License view in the IDE was changed from Shift + Ctrl + F to Shift + Ctrl + X, thus allowing Shift + Ctrl + F to be used for its original purpose (to “Find” text in the script popup box).

IMS 805472


An exception was logged while loading the thumbnail and preview of an object.

IMS 827813

IMS 857388


WindowMaker stopped responding while migrating InTouch ViewApp. The issue was traced to the existence of a large number of derived $UserDefined templates contained in the application.

IMS 840261


Issues were observed when applying the license for Foxboro SCADA features using the ArchestrA plug-in for configuring object licensing.

IMS 843563


Some imports of object packages did not appear to complete and the GR node stopped.

IMS 844419


The UserDefined object did not work as expected.

IMS 857388

IMS 827813


After migrating a galaxy that was patched with HF 827813 to System Platform 2020 R2, graphics symbols were missing from the objects to which they were linked or embedded.

IMS 857402


Importing 700 or more instances was very slow, caused a memory leak in the aaGR.exe process, and failed to import all instances.

IMS 857862


Changes to object wizard templates were not being detected and saved. This occurred if linked/embedded symbols were renamed, which resulted in the new name not being propagated to the wizard definitions and the symbol would be null.

IMS 860309


When a template was saved after unlocking an I/O attribute, the value of the attribute in child instances reverted to a previous value and the new attribute value did not propagate.

IMS 884869


If an object in a galaxy with an OPCClient object and OPC server contained bad references, the OPCClient object would flood the logger with “Failed to add item to group” error messages. This in turn could cause the OPC Server to crash.

IMS 922621


GRLoad reported an error if the dump dynamic variable parameter was enabled but the list of parameters was empty.

IMS 923979


The System Platform IDE reported an exception if the user logged off Windows immediately after closing the IDE.

IMS 977033

CR L00158732

0002762497 SR 25315477

The attribute value subscribed to from the BackupDI stopped updating. Even though data quality was good, the value did not change.

IMS 1001892


An attribute Quality changed from good (C0) when viewed in the Object Viewer and in the Historian, The change occurred prior to the next scan cycle, which should not have happened.

AVEVA™ OMI Resolved Issues – 2020 R2 Patch 01

AVEVA OMI issues resolved by Patch 01 are listed in this table. For Application Server issues, see Application Server Resolved Issues – 2020 R2 Patch 01.

Original Issue

Related Issues

Case/SR Number


IMS 565055


If you changed the default value of an option in a symbol wizard, the graphic referencing this symbol wizard showed it scattered in the ViewApp preview.

IMS 566038


When an integer array from the OI Gateway was read as a comma separated string, the value displayed was different, depending on whether a DIObject or a Redundant DIObject was used.

IMS 568601


An unselected symbol embedded in a symbol wizard flooded the logger with warnings.

IMS 596579


Unicode characters were not correctly rendered when viewed in an AVEVA OMI ViewApp.

IMS 651507


In an embedded symbol, upon setting the value of a custom property and then trying to read its value in the next line, it took some time for the value to update.

IMS 701846


When an existing layout was opened in the Layout Editor, and then a pane was added and deleted, the IDE stopped working.

IMS 827529


AVEVA Work Tasks (formerly Skelta BPM) forms “Lookupinput” and “DateTimeinput” did not behave the same way in a nested layout as they did when directly embedded in a pane. Specifically, when using a mouse to interact with these controls, value selection did not work.

IMS 837661


In the OMI Alarm App, alarms were in local time but events were shown in UTC time in the TimeOAT column.

IMS 837669


The File Save popup did not appear after making changes to a report viewed through the WebBrowser App.

IMS 923749


After executing the ShowContent() function, the symbol got stuck with a “Loading” cursor in the AVEVA OMI ViewApp.

IMS 925514


When the WebControl OMI app was configured with a default web address that required entering Username and Password, on occasion, some characters could not be entered in the Username field.

— End of Patch 01 Readme —

Resolved Issues

InTouch HMI 2020 R2 Patch 01 includes corrections for the issues listed in the following table. These issues are listed by their Defect ID (CR, TFS or IMS) number, any assigned Service Request (SR) or Case Number with a brief description of the defect.

Defect ID

SR/ Case Number




Users were not able to substitute the tag reference of an Industrial Graphic using the shortcut command ‘Ctrl+E’.



In a Key Script using the ‘On Key Up’ condition type for a tag, did not reflect correctly in the Cross Reference Utility report under the ‘Where’ column.



In some cases, memory was not released after a window was printed causing performance issues.



When the Freeze Property was used on a Trend Client Control, the TimeDuration property did not change the Start Time but updated to the Current Time.



After upgrading to System Platform 2020, some users encountered a delay in retrieving and processing historical alarms in the Alarm Client Control.



After upgrading from InTouch HMI 2014 R2 SP1 to InTouch 2017 Update 3 SP1, the AnnotateLayout function did not work as expected.



For a German Operating System, importing or exporting a graphic using the GraphicAccess library failed when the decimal separator was a comma.



When a published application pointing to a locally hosted historian is run on an InTouch node, the 8-pen trend assignment changed randomly after a few weeks.



On migrating from System Platform 2014 R2 to System Platform 2020, the vertical alignment of text boxes with dynamic text did not display correctly in the InTouch Web Client.



Inserting rows in a SQL database using InTouch SQL commands via scripts caused memory issues over a period of time.



When an embedded symbol object or a group object containing a textbox was resized, the text box was also getting automatically resized when viewed in the InTouch Web Client.



When a graphic element initially configured X=0 coordinate or Y=0 coordinate, was reconfigured in the runtime to a different position, the graphic would move to its original location when the window was reopened.



Pressing the Enter key, while using the ShowGraphic function caused the application to lock under certain conditions.



On using the Like filter in the Alarm Client Control, the AlarmDuration column displayed the duration in milliseconds rather then the full time format.





Maximum Value and Minimum Value of the Input analog animation link were not recorded via the print function.



Users could not import Batch Management 2000 .Net GUI and Stateless API into an InTouch HMI 2020 application.





Using the command prompt to run an application in WindowViewer, did not display the embedded graphic in the window.



When a Managed Application was open in WindowMaker, and the user attempted to launch Application Manager, the user was asked to launch WindowViewer instead. After WindowViewer was launched, Industrial Graphics were not displayed and there was an error in obtaining a license.



The Replace override option did not work as expected when the LoadQueryFilterFIle API was used for a Alarm Client Control filter.



Importing InTouch windows took longer than expected and sometimes caused the WindowMaker to stop responding.



Industrial Graphics were not displayed in the WindowViewer, when the NAD client was enabled and the NAD server was disconnected from the network.



In cases when the Application Server AppEngine Object was configured with scripts using the Alarm Toolkit APIs, when the primary engine failed over to the backup server, performance and memory issues were observed in the backup server.



The TimeOAT column in the Alarm Client Control displayed the UTC time, however the timestamp was recorded in the local time zone.



The WindowViewer user session was logged-off earlier than the configured Inactivity Timeout.


The WindowMaker Substitute Tags Replace feature for embedded symbols did not work as expected.

Security Improvements

This release also includes security improvements for storage of sensitive information in memory, along with an increased robustness of application file parsers.

About this Patch Release – 2020 R2 P01

The AVEVA Historian 2020 R2 Patch 01 release resolves a number of issues, documented in each product Readme file. For the issues specific to AVEVA Historian, see Resolved Issues – AVEVA Historian 2020 R2 Patch 01.


  • Installation – AVEVA Historian 2020 R2 must be installed before you can install this patch.

Resolved Issues – AVEVA Historian 2020 R2 Patch 01

AVEVA Historian 2020 R2 Patch 01 resolves the following issues:

Original Issue

Related Issues

Case/SR Number


IMS 506855


Retrieving tag data takes more time when the data being retrieved is older.

IMS 591769


Historian retrieval returns different values for the same query.

IMS 597356


Historian Client Web users are unable to share shortcuts with team members.

IMS 612640


Unable to authenticate replication server using an Active Directory user group.

IMS 641155


Auto summary data cannot be returned after upgrading to 2020.

IMS 701787


The Historian event storage service crashes when events are sent to it from the Citect SCADA connector.

IMS 840679


Historian Client Web chart creation with a URL-based query does not work after upgrading to 2020 R2.

IMS 914830


Creating a new tag logs an error message stating a failure to add the tag to Historian.

IMS 924780


Historian Client Web cannot trend a tag from a URL after upgrading to 2020 R2.

IMS 1040483



After restarting the Historian, only 50 tags are licensed until the license is manually refreshed.

IMS 1063205


Importing a spreadsheet with Insight Publisher ignores messageOn and messageOff values.

— End of Patch 01 Readme —

About this Patch Release – 2020 R2 P01

The AVEVA Historian Client 2020 R2 Patch 01 release resolves a number of issues, documented in each product Readme file. For the issues specific to AVEVA Historian Client, see Resolved Issues – AVEVA Historian Client 2020 R2 Patch 01.


  • Installation – AVEVA Historian Client 2020 R2 must be installed before you can install this patch.

Resolved Issues – AVEVA Historian Client 2020 R2 Patch 01

AVEVA Historian Client 2020 R2 Patch 01 resolves the following issues:

Original Issue

Related Issues

Case/SR Number


IMS 576839


Alarm state highlights are still displayed in Trend, even after the tag is removed.

IMS 639269


Trend does not display correctly on a high resolution monitor when the task bar is on the left side of the screen.

IMS 726427


Trend application is unable to read and display all tags in the tag picker when using the REST API.

IMS 828338


The delete key on the keyboard no longer deletes tags from the tag list when using ShowGraphic(graphicInfo).

IMS 844351



No data is received when using the historical playback application.

— End of Patch 01 Readme —

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