Recently, exporting data from InTouch historical data is not an easy thing and we wanna change it. Now, we are developing a stand-alone utility that allows you to export your existing InTouch history data and you dont have ro write any code for it.
InTouch history data is stored in LGH files (that is, files having an .lgh filename extension) which located in the InTouch application folder or project folder. In recent, history files have only been accessible using the Wonderware HistData Utility.
With our utility, you can access the LGH files easily. The InTouch HMI software is NOT required to be installed on the same computer as the InTouch History Exporter, and InTouch is NOT required to be running. The Exporter can export history data generated with InTouch HMI software version 7.0 or later.
We know lots of InTouch are still running on old systems, so our utility will be aviliable on most Windows platforms, even the XP and 2003.
There will be two kind of license: Machine Base and USB Base. Machine Base is lock to machine and USB Base is lock to a removeable usb storage.
If you have any questions or suggestion, please comment it below and let me know.
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