System Platform 2017 Update 3 SP1 Released

Wonderware System Platform 2017 Update 3 SP1 includes a number of security enhancements and new features for the component products of System Platform.

New features contained in the products that comprise System Platform 2017 Update 3 SP1 are outlined below.

New Features in InTouch OMI Update 3 SP1

Document and Image Viewer Apps

Four new Viewer Apps have been added to InTouch OMI. When these apps are integrated in an InTouch OMI ViewApp, the ViewApp can display Microsoft Word documents, PDF documents, Excel spreadsheets, and images.

  • DocViewerApp: The DocViewerApp shows a Word document in read-only mode within a pane of a ViewApp. Documents can be searched, and the view can be enlarged or reduced in size.
  • PDFViewerApp: The PDFViewerApp shows a PDF document within a pane of a ViewApp. Documents can be searched, rotated, the view can be enlarged or reduced, and selected content can be copied to the clipboard.
  • SpreadsheetViewerApp: The SpreadsheetViewerApp shows an Excel spreadsheet in read-only mode within a pane of a ViewApp. The spreadsheet view can be enlarged or reduced in size.
  • ImageViewerApp: The ImageViewerApp shows an image in read-only mode within a pane of a ViewApp. Images can be flipped horizontally or vertically, or rotated, and the view of the image can be enlarged or reduced in size.

Credential Management

InTouch OMI ViewApps can use security credentials created in Application Server to gain access to third-party data where Windows OS credentials are not recognized, and/or to provide a method to automatically load a particular data set for specified users.

Line Thickness and Symbol Rendering

In prior releases, rounded rectangles and the line thickness of symbol elements did not always render the same at run time in an InTouch OMI ViewApp as they appeared during design/configuration. These elements will now be rendered at run time to appear the same as they do at design time.

New Features in Application Server 2017 Update 3 SP1

Credential Management

Application Server lets you create security credentials for use in InTouch OMI ViewApps. These credentials can be used to gain access to third-party data where Windows OS credentials are not recognized, and/or to provide a method to automatically load a particular data set for specified users.

Application Server User Guide

The Application Server User Guide includes concepts and instructions for use of the AVEVA Telemetry Server. The Telemetry Server is a separate product, not yet released, and is not included on the System Platform 2017 Update 3 SP1 installation DVD. We will provide information about the Telemetry Server in the context of upcoming releases.

New Features in InTouch HMI 2017 Update 3 SP1

InTouch HMI 2017 Update 3 SP1 includes a number of hot fixes, and provides support for the latest versions of Microsoft products. Refer to the GCS Technology Matrix for the list of supported Microsoft products. No new features have been introduced in this release.

New Features in Historian 2017 Update 3 SP1

Multi-Tier Replication Support

The Historian supports multi-tier replication. Data originating at tier 1 can be replicated to tier 2, then again to tier 3, and so on. Replication from tier 1 to tier two can be simple or summary replication. Replication beyond tier 2 is simple replication.

New Sentinel Features for System Platform Update 3 SP1

New options for license monitoring and alerts have been added to Sentinel.

  • Option to monitor the License Server grace period and receive alerts when the grace period is expiring within 14 days, 7 days, and 24 hours.
  • Option to monitor the License Server and receive alerts when licenses are expiring within 30 days, 7 days, and 24 hours.
  • Option to add, edit, and delete existing local or domain user groups as users.


Wonderware System Platform 2017 Update 3 SP1 Readme

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