Overview of the FactorySuite 2000 License System(WWSuite.lic)


Wonderware® FactorySuite™ 2000 consists of integrated software components that are delivered on multiple product CD-ROMs in a single CD-ROM case. The Wonderware License Agreement grants you the right to use and display the software on a single computer at a single address location. In addition, Wonderware provides several types of enforcement mechanisms to license and enable specific software programs. In order to do this, starting with FactorySuite 1000, Wonderware moved to a new software-licensing scheme. The FactorySuite license management system is designed to work with or without a hardware key (dongle). Upon validation of the licensing information, the license manager will activate the appropriate FactorySuite 2000 component. This Tech Note will cover the issues on installing and using the new license management system for FactorySuite 2000.

Note To complement your reading of this Tech Note, see also Tech Note 67, Overview of the FactorySuite 1000 License System. Some of the information in Tech Note 67 is the same as in this Tech Note, but there are some key differences between the license management system for the FactorySuite 1000 and 2000, which will be discussed here.


License Kit and License File Description

The Wonderware License Kit contains a license file disk which contain the Wonderware license file, as well as additional files to install and view the FactorySuite 2000 license management system.

The license file for FactorySuite 2000, WWSuite.lic, is stored under the Licenses folder on the disk. It contains the customer information and an authentication algorithm that enables specific functions in each licensed FactorySuite component. (Note that unlike the FactorySuite 1000 license management system, the FactorySuite 2000 comes with a single license file for all licensed components.)

What is stored in the WWSuite.lic license file?

Each license file contains the customer’s name, company name and address, and the customer’s licensed options. You can view this information by using the License Viewer program. The license file consists of two levels of information: Component and Feature. The Component information states which FactorySuite 2000 components are licensed; the Feature information actually enables the components that are part of the Component information.

Here’s what a typical Component line looks like when viewing the FactorySuite 2000 WWSuite.lic license information in License Viewer:

#FactorySuite|FactorySuite|P/N 97-101D|#Serial Number xxxxxx|InSQLServer_Operation|InSQLServer_Tagcount|InSQLServer_Users|InSQLServer_Nodes|InSQLServer_History|InSQLServer_Event|

(Note that the Component line for your license file will vary from what’s shown above.)

According to the Component line above, the WWSuite.lic file will have Feature lines for each of the FactorySuite components locked to hardware key xxxxxx (noted in “#Serial Number xxxxxx”). Here is an example Feature line for InTouch™:

FEATURE InTouch Wonderware 7.000 29-Jan-98 0 26487CD542367BE3453 \
VENDOR_STRING=05DC00200000050B00000000 \
ISSUER=”Wonderware Irvine” \
NOTICE=”Wonder Joe|100 Technology Dr.|| \Irvine|California|92618|UNITED STATES|Not for Resale” \

(Again, note that the Feature lines for your license file will vary from what’s shown above.)

What are the different types of license files?

There are three types of license files that are available for the FactorySuite 2000:

  1. Software License File
  2. Software License Locked to a Hardware Key
  3. Paper License Agreement

(Note that FactorySuite 2000 no longer offers a UseKey License File, which was offered with the FactorySuite 1000.)

Software License File

When you purchase the InTouch™ Development system or the FactorySuite 2000, you will receive your License Kit, along with the FactorySuite 2000 CD case containing the product CD-ROMs (except for the FactorySuite Toolkit). The License Kit contains a license file for the purchased products only. Unlike the FactorySuite 1000 License Kit, the FactorySuite 2000 License Kit no longer contains demonstration licenses for the components that are not licensed. However, you may contact your local Wonderware distributor at anytime to obtain a demonstration license for any desired FactorySuite 2000 component.

To activate the license file, simply install the licensed FactorySuite component(s), then install the license file from the License Kit. (See Installing the FactorySuite 2000 License File below for more information.)

Software License Locked to a Hardware Key

This option is the same as the Software License File option, except that the license file is locked to a specific hardware key. If you have this type of license option, your License Kit will include the license file disk, the hardware key driver disk and a hardware key. Note that the part number listed on the label of the license file disk should include a “D” (for dongle) (example, 01-627D) or an “E”, which is an upgrade to an existing hardware key.

Your hardware key has a unique serial number that will match the license file’s authentication algorithm. Both the license file and the hardware key must be installed on the same computer in order to enable the licensed FactorySuite component(s). The license file’s Host ID determines which hardware key must be installed on the computer. For example, the following line in the license file specifies the Host ID:


Where xxxxxxxx is the hexadecimal representation of the hardware key serial number yyyyyyyy. Note that the licensed FactorySuite components are controlled by the license file, not the hardware key, though the hardware key is required in order for the license file to work properly.

To activate the license file, install the licensed FactorySuite component(s), the license file, then the hardware key driver. Then plug in the hardware key into the computer’s parallel port before starting up the FactorySuite component. (See Installing the FactorySuite 2000 License File below for more information.)

Paper License Agreement

The paper License Agreement will be included with your License Kit if you purchased ScoutVT™, IndustrialSQL™ Client Access License (CAL), Crystal Reports or the FactorySuite Toolkit. To run any of these licensed products, simply install the product from the appropriate CD-ROM that is included in your software shipment and read the instructions in the paper license agreement.

Installing the FactorySuite 2000 License File

Follow these steps to install the FactorySuite 2000 license file. Note that the license file can only be installed after you have installed the software for the FactorySuite 2000 component.

Run the Install.bat program from the license file disk, as shown here:

This will install the License Utility program that is needed to install the license file.

Note Unlike the FactorySuite 1000 License Utility program, which could only display the installed license file information, the FactorySuite 2000 License Utility program is used to install the license file as well as display the license information.

    1. Run the License Utility program, which should be located on the Start menu under Wonderware/FactorySuite/Common. You will see the following License Utility window. (Note that the error, “Could not open…” is normal. This is because the license file has not yet been installed.)

    1. Select Install License File from the File menu and select the WWSuite.lic file from the Licenses folder on the license file disk (that is, A:\Licenses\WWSuite.lic). You will then see the Destination Computer for Installation dialog box, as shown here:

    1. Type in the domain name and the name of the computer of where the license file will reside. Click the OK button to install the license file. You should see something like the following appear in the License Utility window:

    1. Select Exit from the File menu once the license file has been installed.
    2. During the license file installation, note that the following key is placed in the registry:


Potential Questions You May Be Asked

When you have a problem with either installing your license file or running your license file, you should be prepared to answer the following possible questions from your local Wonderware distributor:

  • Customer name on the license file
  • License file serial number
  • Is this a FactorySuite 1000 or 2000 application?
  • What is the exact error message that you receive?
  • What is printed in your Wonderware Logger?
  • What does the License Utility display?
  • Which FactorySuite component are you trying to run?
  • Which Windows operating system and version are you running?
  • Which FactorySuite components are being used in the FactorySuite application and what are their versions?
  • What is the current phase of your project?
  • How many systems are involved in this project?
  • Does your site have a Comprehensive Support subscription?
  • Did the system work?
  • Is the computer’s date the same as today’s date?
  • What type of license file do you have?
  • Is your license file locked to a hardware key? If so, is anything attached to the hardware key such as a laplink?
  • Has the license file been merged with another license file?


License File FAQs

License File Installations

How do I install the license file for FactorySuite 2000?

You must first install the software for the specific FactorySuite components before you begin to install the license file. After you install the FactorySuite components, run the Install.bat program that is on the license file disk. The Install.bat program will run the Wonderware License Utility, which will allow you to select the directory location where the license file will be installed. This directory can either be located on a floppy drive or on a network drive. The License Utility will then install the license file in the directory, which is configured in the registry. See the previous section, Installing the FactorySuite 2000 License File, for more information.

How can I verify which license files are installed on my computer?

You may run the License Viewer program in order to view all currently installed license files on the local computer and their information. If the computer is part of a network, you may also run the License Viewer to view license files that are installed on other remote computers.

Where do the license files get installed on my computer?

The License Utility program that installs that license file will place the file in the directory that is specified in the license file’s registry entry. Note that you do not need to make any changes to the registry. The license file installation will automatically update your registry with the necessary changes.

Do I need to make any changes to any .Ini files when installing the FactorySuite 2000 and its license file? What if I’m running FactorySuite 1000—do I need to make any changes if I want to use the FactorySuite 2000 license file, WWSuite.lic?

You do not need to make any changes to any .Ini files for the FactorySuite 2000 because it relies on the registry for any initialization values. However, if you wish to install the FactorySuite 2000 license file, WWSuite.lic, and use it with FactorySuite 1000, you will need to update the license file locations specified under the [Wonderware] file section of the Win.ini file.

Which FactorySuite 2000 components require a license file?

All FactorySuite 2000 components require a license file, except for those components or products that are covered by the Paper License Agreement. However, individual FactorySuite add-ons, such as ActiveX controls, wizards and script functions, do not require a license file, as well as SQL Access, SPC Program, Recipe Manager, NetDDE and the Windows NT extensions.

Which FactorySuite 2000 components can run with a hardware key?

The “old-style” hardware keys that were provided prior to the FactorySuite 2000 release will not work with the FactorySuite 2000 components. This is because the UseKey License File option that existed with FactorySuite 1000 is not supported under FactorySuite 2000. Wonderware has provided new functions with the FactorySuite 2000 license management system that is incompatible with the old-style hardware key.

If you have an older hardware key that you would like to continue using with FactorySuite 2000, contact your local Wonderware distributor to obtain a replacement key that is compatible with the FactorySuite 2000.

What happens when a license file and a hardware key are used at the same time?

The FactorySuite 2000 components will always look for the installed license file to enable the product to run. Currently, you can only lock a license file to a specific hardware key serial number. This is done by adding the Host ID to the license file. The Host ID specifies which hardware key must be plugged into the computer’s parallel port. For example, the following line in the license file specifies the Host ID:


Where xxxxxxxx is the hexadecimal representation of the hardware key serial number yyyyyyyy.

What are the names of the FactorySuite 2000 license files?

Unlike the FactorySuite 1000, which came with multiple license files, the FactorySuite 2000 only has one license file, WWSuite.lic, which is located under the Licenses folder on the license file disk. All information for the licensed FactorySuite components are contained in this file.

Where is the license file stored on the computer?

The FactorySuite 2000 WWSuite.lic license file is located under the \Common sub-directory under the FactorySuite installation directory (usually \Program Files\FactorySuite\Common\Licenses).

What should I do if I have a problem when installing or using my license file with the FactorySuite 2000?

Contact your local Wonderware distributor who will verify if there is a problem with your license file. If it’s determined that we need to send you a replacement license file, we can either mail you a new license file disk, or if you immediately need to start using the FactorySuite, we can send you a temporary 30-day license file electronically or by overnight express mail.

What happens if I need to run a FactorySuite 1000 I/O Server with my FactorySuite2000 license file?

Because the FactorySuite 1000 I/O Servers do not support long filenames, make sure that when you are installing the FactorySuite 2000 license file, WWSuite.lic, that you use the short filename format. Otherwise, the FactorySuite 1000 I/O Server will not be able to locate the WWSuite.lic file. Note that if you’re running Windows 95 you should follow the section, “Running InTouch 5.6b or a FactorySuite 1000 I/O Server Under Windows 95 With a FactorySuite 2000 License File”, located later in this document.

What order should I install the license files?

The license file can only be installed after the Wonderware License Utility has been installed. The License Utility is the program that installs the license file on the computer.

What happens if I install the FactorySuite 2000 license file over the FSTemp license file?

The FactorySuite license file will be installed in the license directory, usually \Program Files\FactorySuite\Common\Licenses. Any license files that reside in this directory will be overwritten with the new license file. But the temporary license file, FSTemp, will remain in its own directory, FSTemp.

I was looking at the license file with a text editor and I accidentally modified the file. Now the FactorySuite cannot read the file. What should I do?

Delete the license file from the computer and reinstall the file from the license disk using the License Utility program.

How can I uninstall the license file?

Currently, the FactorySuite 2000 license management system does not offer an uninstall feature. To uninstall the license file, simply delete the license file or reinstall another license file over the existing one.

License Compliance

How can I verify that I am in compliance for my FactorySuite licensed components?

To verify if you are in compliance for your FactorySuite license, run the License Utility program and view the license information that is displayed. Note that you can view the license file that is either on the local computer or on any remote computer across the network. The License Utility can either browse specific remote computers or search the entire network for a license file. However, searching the entire network can take some time and we recommend that, when possible, you use the browse feature and search one or more specific remote computers for the license file.

How can I obtain a license file for those nodes that I’ve found to be out of compliance?

Contact your local Wonderware distributor who will note your product and license information. Your distributor will then arrange to have one or more new license files sent to you.

I am licensed to run the FactorySuite on one computer. Can I install the license file on a computer on the plant floor and on a development computer in my office at the same time?

No, unfortunately, you cannot install the license file on both computers at the same time. You must delete the license file on your development computer before you can install it on plant floor’s computer. If you need to run the FactorySuite on both computers, contact your local Wonderware distributor who can arrange to send you a second license file disk.

Replacement License Files

A Systems Integrator installed our FactorySuite applications at our plant, but he didn’t leave the license file for our development computer. How can I obtain a copy of the license file?

Contact your local Wonderware distributor who will verify your licenses and arrange to have a license file disk sent to you.

I don’t know what happened, but my license file disappeared from my computer! Where can I obtain a new license file?

First check to see if the license file is under the Common sub-directory under the FactorySuite installation directory (usually it’s \Program Files\FactorySuite\Common\Licenses). If it’s not there, then reinstall the license file from your original license file disk. If you no longer have the license file disk, then contact your Wonderware distributor who will arrange to have a new disk sent to you.

My system crashed and it corrupted my license file. Where can I obtain a replacement license file?

Reinstall the license file from your original license file disk. If you no longer have the license file disk, then contact your Wonderware distributor who will arrange to have a new disk sent to you.

I’m a Systems Integrator and I’ve installed my customer’s license file on top of my own, but now I need to reinstall my license file and I no longer have my license file disk. What should I do?

Contact your local Wonderware distributor to obtain a replacement license file disk.

Is it legal to make a backup copy of my license file disk?

Yes, as long as the purpose is to create backup copy for emergencies. Your Wonderware license agreement states that you are allowed to make and maintain one copy of the software solely for backup or archival purposes. By the way, you are also allowed to make and maintain copies of written materials supplied by Wonderware solely for your own use.

Failed or Expired License Files

My FactorySuite component didn’t find the installed license file. What’s wrong?

Was the WWSuite.lic file installed from the license file disk using the License Utility program, or was it simply copied from the disk onto the computer? If it was copied, then try reinstalling the license file using the License Utility. If it was installed, then view the license information using the License Utility and verify that the license file is valid. If the License Utility cannot locate the license file, then check to see if the directory containing the license file has moved or has been renamed. If the license file is valid, then contact your local Wonderware distributor who can resolve your license file issue.

My FactorySuite application used to work, but now it cannot locate the hardware key. What happened?

This usually means that something on your computer has changed, such as a new license file being installed, the license file’s directory being renamed or moved, or the license file itself becoming corrupted. Check for any errors in the Wonderware Logger and contact your local Wonderware distributor who can resolve your problem.

I’ve been running my FactorySuite application for awhile now, but today the license file has expired. What should I do?

Run the License Utility program to verify that the license file has expired. Also, verify that the date set in your computer is correct. If the license file has expired, then contact your local Wonderware distributor who will arrange to send you a new license file.

Other General License Questions

I notice that when I start up a FactorySuite 2000 component, it seems to take longer during the license validation phase of the startup than it did with FactorySuite 1000. My license file is locked to a hardware key. Is this the reason?

With the FactorySuite 2000, we delivered a newer, more robust hardware key driver for those customers that required that their license file be locked to a hardware key. However, this new driver does cause a slightly longer startup time for the FactorySuite 2000 component.

What’s the difference between a Tag Server and a Tag Client license?

A Tag Server allows the Runtime to provide tag values to other programs that are either on the local computer or a remote computer. A Tag Client does not allow other programs to access the tag values in its database.

Can I configure the FactorySuite license file system to look for the license file on the disk instead of the license file that installed on the computer’s hard drive?

Yes, we have included this feature in Service Pack 1 for the FactorySuite 2000 (that is, this feature was not included in the regular release of the FactorySuite 2000).

Can I use the FactorySuite 1000’s License Utility program to view the FactorySuite 2000 WWSuite.lic license file?

No. The FactorySuite 1000’s License Utility was designed to read FactorySuite 1000 license files only. The new License Utility that comes with FactorySuite 2000 not only can read an installed license file, it is also used to install a license file.

Are the License files Year 2000 compliant?

A definite yes! When your license file expires before the Year 2000, we will send you a new license file that contains a four-digit representation for the year 2000 and beyond.

Does it matter which order the license files are merged?

Possibly. The license manager will enable the FactorySuite component based on the first feature line that is found in the license file. If the license files have mutually exclusive feature lines, then the order in which the license files are merged is not important. If the same feature line exists in both license files, then the license file with the higher level of functionality needs to be installed first.

Common License File Errors

Error Message “Key not installed – Abort:…”

This error occurs for one the following reasons:

  • The license file has not been properly installed.
  • The license file is corrupt.
  • The computer’s Date/Time properties are set to an earlier date than the date of the license file.
  • The wrong hardware key has been plugged into the computer’s parallel port.
  • The hardware key, which is locked to the license file, is not plugged into the computer’s parallel port, or the Windows NT hardware key driver is not installed.
  • The license file has expired.
  • An older FactorySuite component (prior to FactorySuite 2000) is attempting to read the new software license hardware key only for the enabling options.

Here are some Wonderware Logger error messages to look for:

The FactorySuite license file was renamed:

/WWLicRequest InTouch Cannot find license file (-1,73:2) No such file or directory
/WWLicRequest KXA Cannot find license file (-1,73:2) No such file or directory

The FactorySuite license file was modified:

/WWLicRequest InTouch No such feature exists (-5,116:2) No such file or directory
/WWLicRequest KXA No such feature exists (-5,116:2) No such file or directory

The wrong hardware key was plugged into the computer’s parallel port:

/WWLicRequest UseKey No such feature exists (-5,116)
/WWLicRequest InTouch Invalid license key (inconsistent license key) (-8,130)

The FactorySuite license file was modified or corrupted:

/WWLicRequest InTouch Invalid license file syntax (-2,134)

The license file has expired:

/WWLicRequest InTouch Feature has expired (-10,32)
/WWLicRequest InTrack Feature has expired (-10,32)
/WWLicRequest KXA Feature has expired (-10,32)

Error Message “…start date is in the future…”

If the computer’s date is set for a date that is earlier than the license file’s creation date, the licensed FactorySuite component will not run, and you will see something like the following error in WWLogger:

/WM /WWLicRequest InTouch Feature start date is in the future (-31,34)
/WM /WWLicRequest InTrack Feature start date is in the future (-31,34)

Running InTouch 5.6b or a FactorySuite 1000 I/O Server Under Windows 95 With a FactorySuite 2000 License File

When starting up InTouch 5.6b or a FactorySuite 1000 I/O Server under Windows 95 with an installed FactorySuite 2000 license file, you may see this error message:

An error has occurred in your program. To keep working anyway, click Ignore and save your work in a new file. To quit this program, click Close. You will lose information you entered since your last Save.

Then the error is followed by the error that looks similar to the following View dialog box:

To resolve this error, do the following:

    1. Make a backup copy of the FactorySuite 2000 license file, WWSuite.lic, if you have not done so already.
    2. If you’re running InTouch 5.6b, rename the backup WWSuite.lic file to Intouch.lic. This is the name of the FactorySuite 1000’s InTouch license file. If you’re running a FactorySuite 1000 I/O Server, then instead rename the backup WWSuite.lic file to Ioserver.lic. (Note that you should leave the originally installed WWSuite.lic file as is.)
    3. Move the renamed Intouch.lic or Ioserver.lic file to the FactorySuite 1000 license file directory. You can find out the location by looking in the Win.ini file, under the [Wonderware] file section. Look for this line in the file:

InTouchLicenseFilePath=c:<directory path>\intouch.lic


IOServerLicenseFilePath=c:<directory path>\ioserver.lic

    1. Open the Intouch.lic or Ioserver.lic file with a text editor (such as Microsoft Notepad) that was moved in step 3, such as Microsoft Notepad, and highlight the first line as shown here:

(The first line in the Ioserver.lic will look slightly different than what is shown above.)

    1. Press the <Delete> key to remove the highlighted first line.

Note Do not delete this same line from the originally installed WWSuite.lic file! This will cause the other licensed FactorySuite components to fail.

You should now see the modified Intouch.lic or Ioserver.lic file look something like this with the first line removed:

  1. Save the modified Intouch.lic or Ioserver.lic file and exit the text editor. You should now be able to run InTouch 5.6b or the FactorySuite 1000 I/O Server.

Illustrations of Some Common License Problems

The following are screen displays which show a successful launch of a licensed FactorySuite 2000 component, as well as those that show some common license problems.

Successful Launch of a Licensed FactorySuite 2000 Component

Here is what you should see for a success launch of a FactorySuite 2000 component (InTouch in this case):

In the WWLogger, you will also see the message “<product name>…Successfully Loaded”, as shown in this example:

The FactorySuite Cannot Find the License File

When you launch a FactorySuite 2000 component and it cannot find the installed WWSuite.lic license file, you will see something similar to the following:

Notice that the Company, serial number and expiration date all display a “N/A”.

In the WWLogger, you will also see the message, “WWLicRequest <product name> Cannot find license file…”, as shown in this example:

The FactorySuite Encounters a Corrupted License File

When you launch a FactorySuite 2000 component and the component encounters a corrupted WWSuite.lic license file, you will see the following error:

In the WWLogger, you will also see the message, “The encryption code is invalid for the Feature Line ‘<product name>’ in the License File…”, as shown in this example:

The Computer is Set to an Incorrect Date

If your computer is set to a date that is earlier than the creation date of the license file, (example, January 1, 1997 but the license file was created on January 1, 1998), then you will see the following error:

In the WWLogger, you will also see the message, “WWLicRequest <product name> Feature start date is in the future…”, as shown in this example:

Hardware Key Errors

If your WWSuite.lic license file is locked to a hardware key, you should install the Windows NT hardware key driver as well as plug in the specific hardware key that’s tied to the license file into the computer’s parallel port. But if the driver is not installed, or the hardware key is not plugged in, or the wrong hardware key is plugged in, you will see the following error:

In the WWLogger, you will also see the message, “The Feature Line ‘<product name>’ in the License File ‘<file path>\wwsuite.lic’ is not enabled…”, as shown in this example:

The License File Expired

If you attempt to start up a licensed FactorySuite 2000 component past the license file’s expiration date, you will see the following error:

In the WWLogger, you will also see the message, “The license file has expired for the Feature Line ‘<product name>’ in the License File…”, as shown in this example:


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