Deleting InTouch Application Files Without Affecting the Application

In order to conserve disk space, you can delete a number of files from your InTouch application directory without affecting the execution of the application. Conserving disk space is especially effective when you are preparing to create a backup copy of your Wonderware? InTouch HMI Software application, or when you need to move the application to another computer.

Category details are explained in the following sections.


Application Versions

  • All InTouch versions up to InTouch v.10.1.
Compiled Runtime Files

The compiled runtime files consist of the following file types:

*.wvw – These files are the compiled versions of the application windows. Though the *.wvw files are needed to run WindowViewer?, they are automatically recreated from the *.win files at runtime if they do not already exist.

– These files will only be created for InTouch version up to InTouch 10.0. However, if you have migrated an application prior to InTouch 10.0 Patch01 this file type will still exist in the application folder. These files represent the compiled version of the Tagname dictionary.

Like the *.wvw files, the *.avl files are needed to run WindowViewer and they are automatically built from the Tagname dictionary file, Tagname.x, at runtime if they do not already exist (This is valid for application versions prior to InTouch 10.0 Patch01).

  • The tagname.avl will only be created for application versions up to InTouch 10.0.
  • If you have created an application with InTouch version 10.0 Patch01, you will not see the tagname.avl file in the application folder. However, if you have migrated an older application which had tagname.avl to the latest InTouch version,you will still see the tagname.avl in the application folder.
  • If you delete the tagname.avl after InTouch version 10.0 Patch01 then this file will not be re-created.

GroupsXXXXX.xml – This file is created for the AlarmTreeViewer control in runtime. In this case, XXXXX represents the current date time. An example of a valid Alarm Groups XML file is: Groups20090722125223935620070026.xml.

  • This file can be deleted from the application directory since it is created every time the user switches to Runtime. The created file is based on latest time stamp.
  • This file should be deleted when you close WindowViewer. If for some reason this file is not deleted, you can safely delete this file(s) manually.
Backup Files

*.?bk – These files are the backup copies of various application files, such as the application window files (*.win, *.wbk) and the tagname dictionary files (Tagname.x, Tagname.xbk).

  • Deleting the *.?bk files does not affect the InTouch application.
  • These files will automatically be recreated each time you modify the application using WindowMaker?.
Historical Files

Note: The Historical files contain historical information that relates to the running of the InTouch application. Though the application will run fine if these files are deleted, keep in mind that there are no backup copies of these files and InTouch does not recreate the data that was recorded in the files.

*.Lgh, *.Idx – These two file types contain the historically logged values for the application’s tagnames that have historical logging enabled.

  • New versions of both file types are created at the beginning of each day, at time 00:00:00.

*.Alg – This file type contains the logged alarm and event messages.

  • A new version of this file is created at the beginning of each day, at time 00:00:00.
  • It created only when the Log Alarms and Events option is enabled from the WindowMaker menus Special/Configure/Alarms and Events.

*.Aeh – *.Aeh stands for Alarm Event Handler and is the Wonderware Logger (WWLogger) file.

  • The WWLogger file contains information about the application, including InTouch error and warning messages.
  • Normally the size of the WWLogger files is small, though a large file indicates a possible problem with the application.
  • A new version of the WWLogger file is created at the beginning of each day, at time 00:00:00.

Note: You can automatically delete any of the above four types of historical files (*.Lgh, *.Idx, *.Alg, and *.Aeh) after a user-defined amount of time.

Retentiv.* – This type of file is created when you select the Retentive Value checkbox in the Tagname Definition dialog box in WindowMaker.

  • Though the InTouch application runs fine if you delete the Retentiv.* files, you have no information on the last known value for the tagname when the application is started up again.
  • However, a new version of Retentiv.* is created when a tagname’s Retentive Value option is selected. The tag is updated with a new value.
Configuration Files

*.Cfg, *.Ini – Wonderware Technical Support does not recommend that you delete the *.Cfg and *.Ini files from the InTouch application directory.

  • The application will run fine if they are deleted. However, the application’s configuration information is lost and both files must be recreated the next time you start up the application with WindowMaker.

Passwords.bin – This file contains the defined usernames, passwords, and access levels for the InTouch application.

  • If Passwords.bin is deleted, it will automatically be recreated the next time you run WindowViewer.
  • The new Passwords.bin file will only contain the default username of Administrator with the password Wonderware and an access level of 9999.

newtags.tag – Binary file containing information about the Tagname Database, for use by the Delta import feature of IndustrialSQL Server.

  • Introduced with InTouch 7.1.
  • Modifications to the InTouch tagname dictionary are updated into the newtags.tag file.
  • If newtags.tag is deleted, is automatically recreated when a new tag is saved to the tagname dictionary.
  • The new newtags.tag file will lose the old modifications to the InTouch tagname dictionary.

xtagnam.$$$ – Replication of the tagname.x created when an application is opened in WindowViewer without opening the application in WindowMaker first.

  • Introduced with InTouch 7.11.
  • This file is used by the Runtime database for the definition/configuration of the tagname dictionary.
  • WindowViewer requires this file to run correctly.

Warning: Do not delete this file if the Development license is not available. The application must be opened under WindowMaker to recreate this file before you can run WindowViewer.

tagbrw.dat – Binary file containing the last configuration used by the Tag Browser.

  • Introduced with InTouch 7.0.
  • The file is recreated when you start up the application under WindowMaker or WindowViewer.

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