Transfer the domain from Godaddy to Namesilo

After several years’ registration on Godaddy, we decide transfer our domain to Namesilo.
The Namesilo provide cheap domain renew price together with the free domain privacy.

We paid the transfer fee with Skill at 8.39$, but we made a mistake, so we paid another 0.6$(7.39$-6.79$) for the mistake. :(
Here are some steps may be helpful for you, when you use Skrill on Namesilo.

Here is a official guide from namesilo:

At the payment page plese note: you must input your Customer ID, which is 12345678 in the picture.

We put our Skrill account in the payment page, then we got a refund from Namesilo. Because Namesilo will verify the Customer id from Skrill with the id your intput. If not equal, Namesilo will make a refund.

And you may be interested in the Namesilo coupon code, with this code, you can save 1$ on your purchase : 1dollarcut or use the Affiliate link here

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