The GetViewVersionInfo Script function library contains 24 script
functions that expose version specific information for Intouch.exe, Wm.exe, and
View.exe. These functions can be used to view FactorySuite® version information
during runtime and also allows this information to be used in InTouch®
This library includes 2 files, the GetViewVersionInfo.dll and the
GetViewVersionInfo.wdf which should be copied into your InTouch directory to
Function List
WWGetViewInstallPath() | WWGetViewLegalTradeMarks() | WWGetITFileVersion2() |
WWGetViewComments() | WWGetViewOriginalFileName() | WWGetITOriginalFileName() |
WWGetViewCompanyName() | WWGetViewPrivateBuild() | WWGetMakerFileDescription() |
WWGetViewFileDescription() | WWGetViewProductName() | WWGetMakerFileVersion1() |
WWGetViewFileVersion1() | WWGetViewProductVersion() | WWGetMakerFileVersion2() |
WWGetViewFileVersion2() | WWGetViewSpecialBuild() | WWGetMakerOriginalFileName() |
WWGetViewInternalName() | WWGetITFileDescription() | WWGetITA2AboutVersion() |
WWGetViewLegalCopyRight() | WWGetITFileVersion1() | WWGetMakerA2AboutVersion() |
Note: This Library has been tested and is compatible with
InTouch 7.0,7.1,7.11, and 8.0. Make sure to read the library overview and
description sections for proper function usage.
Download the GetViewVersionInfo script function library.
Download the GetViewVersionInfo demo application.
Note: This application was developed on InTouch 7.0 sp2
patch04 and will require conversion to later versions.
Library Overview
The GetViewVersionInfo functions expose the same version information found by
right clicking on a file, selecting properties and then selecting the Version
Tab. The listed functions are for the most commonly used version information,
while some have been excluded. This version information is included with most
files and is generated by the developer of the file. This information is
commonly updated by developers/OEMs when changes or patches are created for
These functions focus on the 3 core FactorySuite applications, Intouch.exe,
Wm.exe, and View.exe.
To get the version information equivalent to looking under InTouch/Help about
and WindowMaker/Help about, you can use the WWGetViewProductVersion(). This will
be identical for Intouch.exe, Wm.exe and View.exe.
Note: This is consistent with InTouch 7.0, 7.1, 7.11 only.
InTouch 8.0/FactorySuite A2 uses a combination of the ProductVersion information
and the specific FileVersion information. Two additional functions are provided
to return this information.
The following version information is commonly identical for all three
executables: Comments, CompanyName, InternalName, LegalCopyRight,
LegalTradeMarks, PrivateBuild, ProductName, ProductVersion, and
If you use the WWGetViewCompanyName(), the information returned will be the
same for Intouch.exe and Wm.exe.
The following version information is commonly unique for each file:
FileDescription, FileVersion, and OriginalFileName. Separate functions are
provided to accommodate this for Intouch.exe and Wm.exe.
When obtaining FileVersion information, each file contains two internal
version numbers. When viewing the version properties tab you may see one or both
fileversion numbers. This is dependant on the version of FactorySuite being used
and the Operating system that it is installed on.
When viewing the version properties tab of View.exe on 7.11 patch06 running
on Windows 2000, you will only see one FileVersion number, but 7.11 patch06 on
Windows XP will show both FileVersion numbers. To accommodate this there are two
FileVersion functions for each executable.
Note: It is up to the user to determine which FileVersion
information function to use. Normally you would want to use the function that
provides the same information available on the properties version tab.
Note: Not all version information is available for all
versions of InTouch. Example: InTouch 7.0 sp2patch04 contains an internalname
where this information does not exist for 7.1,7.11, and 8.0. If a blank is shown
on the properties version tab, then a blank will be returned by the function. If
a message is desired instead of a blank, see the INI settings section.
INI Settings
When viewing the properties/version tab information of a file, the file
version information fields do not have to contain any data. For this reason if
“blank” information is seen on the version tab, “blank” information will be
returned to the function. For those that require some information rather than a
“blank”, the following can be entered into the Wini.ini
file under the [InTouch Install] section. This setting is global
for all functions in this library when a blank is returned.
VWInfoString=Message to be displayed
Function Descriptions
WWGetViewInstallPath() | Returns the installation path of InTouch as found in the Win.ini file. |
ReturnValue | The InTouch install path or “No win.ini entry found”. |
Example | Messagetag = WWGetViewInstallPath(); |
WWGetViewComments() | Returns the Comments version information for View.exe as seen in the file version properties. |
ReturnValue | Comments version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that InTouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewComments(); |
WWGetViewCompanyName() | Returns the CompanyName version information for View.exe as seen in the file version properties. |
ReturnValue | CompanyName version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that InTouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewCompanyName(); |
WWGetViewFileDescription() | Returns the FileDescription version information for View.exe as seen in the file version properties. |
ReturnValue | FileDescription version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewFileDescription(); |
WWGetViewFileVersion1() | Returns the First(Internal) FileVersion version information for View.exe as seen in the file version properties. Note that there are 2 internal fileversions and not all systems will display both on the version properties tab. |
ReturnValue | First “FileVersion” version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that InTouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewFileVersion1(); |
WWGetViewFileVersion2() | Returns the Second(Internal) FileVersion version information for View.exe as seen in the file version properties. Note that there are 2 internal fileversions and not all systems will display both on the version properties tab. |
ReturnValue | Second “FileVersion” version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewFileVersion2(); |
WWGetViewInternalName() | Returns the InternalName version information for View.exe as seen in the file version properties. |
ReturnValue | InternalName version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that InTouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewInternalName(); |
WWGetViewLegalCopyRight() | Returns the LegalCopyRight version information for View.exe as seen in the fileversion properties. |
ReturnValue | LegalCopyRight version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewLegalCopyRight(); |
WWGetViewLegalTradeMarks() | Returns the LegalTradeMarks version information for View.exe as seen in the file version properties. |
ReturnValue | LegalTradeMarks version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that InTouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewLegalTradeMarks(); |
WWGetViewOriginalFileName() | Returns the OriginalFileName version information for View.exe as seen in the file version properties. |
ReturnValue | OriginalFileName version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewOriginalFileName(); |
WWGetViewPrivateBuild() | Returns the PrivateBuild version information for View.exe as seen in the file version properties. |
ReturnValue | PrivateBuild version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that InTouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewPrivateBuild(); |
WWGetViewProductName() | Returns the ProductName version information for View.exe as seen in the file version properties. |
ReturnValue | ProductName version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewProductName(); |
WWGetViewProductVersion() | Returns the “ProductVersion” version information for View.exe as seen in the file version properties. This is equivalent to the help about version information found for InTouch and WindowMaker. (Note for InTouch 8.0 and newer use the WWGetITA2AboutVersion() and the WWGetMakerA2AboutVersion() functions to get the help about information) |
ReturnValue | “ProductVersion” version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that InTouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewProductVersion(); |
WWGetViewSpecialBuild() | Returns the SpecialBuild version information for View.exe as seen in the fileversion properties. |
ReturnValue | SpecialBuild version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetViewSpecialBuild(); |
WWGetITFileDescription() | Returns the FileDescription version information for InTouch.exe as seen in the file version properties. |
ReturnValue | FileDescription version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that InTouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetITFileDescription(); |
WWGetITFileVersion1() | Returns the First(Internal) FileVersion version information for Intouch.exe as seen in the file version properties. Note that there are 2 internal fileversions and not all systems will display both on the version properties tab. |
ReturnValue | First “FileVersion” version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetITFileVersion1(); |
WWGetITFileVersion2() | Returns the Second(Internal) FileVersion version information for Intouch.exe as seen in the file version properties. Note that there are 2 internal fileversions and not all systems will display both on the version properties tab. |
ReturnValue | Second “FileVersion” version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetITFileVersion2(); |
WWGetITOriginalFileName() | Returns the OriginalFileName version information for Intouch.exe as seen in the file version properties. |
ReturnValue | OriginalFileName version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetITOriginalFileName(); |
WWGetMakerFileDescription() | Returns the FileDescription version information for Wm.exe as seen in the file version properties. |
ReturnValue | FileDescription version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetMakerFileDescription(); |
WWGetMakerFileVersion1() | Returns the First(Internal) FileVersion version information for Wm.exe as seen in the file version properties. Note that there are 2 internal fileversions and not all systems will display both on the version properties tab. |
ReturnValue | First “FileVersion” version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetMakerFileVersion1(); |
WWGetMakerFileVersion2() | Returns the Second(Internal) FileVersion version information for Wm.exe as seen in the file version properties. Note that there are 2 internal fileversions and not all systems will display both on the version properties tab. |
ReturnValue | Second “FileVersion” version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetMakerFileVersion2(); |
WWGetMakerOriginalFileName() | Returns the OriginalFileName version information for Wm.exe as seen in the file version properties. |
ReturnValue | OriginalFileName version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetMakerOriginalFileName(); |
WWGetITA2AboutVersion() | Returns the “Help about” version information for Intouch.exe as seen in the file version properties. Applies only to Intouch 8.0 and newer. This is a combination of the “ProductVersion” and the “FileVersion”. |
ReturnValue | Help about version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetITA2AboutVersion(); |
WWGetMakerA2AboutVersion() | Returns the “Help about” version information for Wm.exe as seen in the file version properties. Applies only to Intouch 8.0 and newer. This is a combination of the “ProductVersion” and the “FileVersion”. |
ReturnValue | Help about version information or “No win.ini entry found”. “No win.ini entry found” indicates that Intouch installation path could not be found in the win.ini file or that the file does not exist. |
Example | MessageTag = WWGetMakerA2AboutVersion(); |