TimeFunctions Script Function Library


The TimeFunctions script function library consists of two files:

  • TimeFunctions.dll
  • TimeFunctions.wdf

 Library Functions

This library consists of five script functions:

  • WWDaylightSavingsTime( )
  • WWCurrentLocalTime( )
  • WWCurrentUTCTime( )
  • WWOffsetFromUTC( )
  • WWLocalTimeZone( )

WWDaylightSavingsTime( )

This function is used to obtain the current Daylight-Savings-Time state. The return value will be nonzero if daylight savings time is currently in effect for the local time zone. A zero will be returned otherwise. When assigning the return value to a tag, the tag type should be discrete or integer. No arguments are accepted for this function.


    DiscreteTag = WWDaylightSavingsTime( )

    InTegerTag = WWDaylightSavingsTime( )

WWCurrentLocalTime( )

This function returns a string representation of the current local time in 24-hour format. No arguments are accepted for this function. The return value must be assigned to a memory message tag.


    MessageTag = WWCurrentLocalTime( )

WWCurrentUTCTime( )

This function returns a string representation of the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in 24-hour format. The UTC time is the same as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).  No arguments are accepted for this function. The return value must be assigned to a message tag.


    MessageTag = WWCurrentUTCTime( )

WWOffsetFromUTC( )

This function is used to obtain the local time zone offset from the Coordinated Universal Time in minutes. No arguments are accepted for this function. The return value must be assigned to an integer tag.


    IntegerTag = WWOffsetFromUTC( )

WWLocalTimeZone( )

This function is used to acquire a string representation of the current local time zone setting. No arguments are accepted for this function. The return value must be assigned to a message tag.


    MessageTag = WWLocalTimeZone( )

Download the TimeFunctions.zip file.

  1. Unzip the TimeFunctions.zip file.
  2. Copy the TimeFunctions.dll and TimeFunctions.wdf files and place them in your InTouch™ Install directory.
    • The functions will then be available from scripts when running WindowMaker.

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